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"How long are we staying?" Angel asked. He skipped up to me and his hand wrapped around my arm so I tucked my fist towards my chest.

"A week or so. Just until we decide we've had our fun." A cold gust of wind blew through the air and Angel pushed himself farther into me. I wrapped an arm around him as we walked.

"Let's find somewhere to eat so we can get inside the warmth, yeah?"

Angel nodded urgently and we randomly decided on a vegan restaurant that smelled amazing. We sat down and I discarded my coat but Angel kept his on until we got our food.

The two of us ate and chatted quietly and it was a pleasant night until we were walking back home. Angel was shivering to the point we had to stop into an alleyway so I could help rub his arms and keep him warm. It wasn't nearly enough so I started discarding my jacket but Angel's hands went to grab the ends of my jacket to keep it shut.

"You'll get sick." He whispered.

"I will be fine. Just put it on, please." I threw the jacket over Angel and pulled him to me, kissing him then pulling him into my arms.

I immediately started the fireplace once Angel and I got back home and discarded all of our coats and threw them onto the love seat. I rushed up to the master bedroom and opened one of my suitcases. There, I found a fluffy, thick blanket I packed for situations like this and hurried back downstairs.

Angel was sitting in front of the fireplace, eye shut and basking in the heat. I stopped on the staircase and watched him for a moment. Angel took off his eye patch and held it in his hand, staring at it. I smiled a bit as Angel put the patch back on and seemed to take in a confident breath.

"Angel? I'm back."

Angel looked over and he rushed over to me and I grabbed the ends of the blanket, holding them out wide. Angel crashed into me and I wrapped Angel in the blanket as I picked him up effortlessly.

Angel laughed happily as I pecked his face with quick kisses. He managed to get one hand free from inside the blanket and gripped my chin. He turned my head to his and kissed me long and hard on the lips.

"Let's watch some movies, yeah?" I suggested and set Angel back on his feet. Angel nodded urgently and he grabbed the blanket to toss to the couch before stripping down to his shirt and briefs. I discarded my shirt and left myself in my boxers before sitting on the couch. Angel molded himself to my side and brought the blanket over us.

I ran my hands over Angel's arms as he picked out a movie for us to watch. I moved one leg from under Angel's body to stretch it out over the couch and Angel moved so his back was against my chest and his side pressed against the armrest. We watched about half of the movie before Angel started shifting in his spot.

I kissed the side of Angel's head and held it as long as I could before Angel tilted his head back. I kissed Angel's lips and couldn't help but trace my fingers against his jaw and run my tongue against his bottom lip.

Angel pushed a hand to my thigh to turn his body over and he deepened the kiss greatly. I pulled back after a moment and Angel's eyes fluttered open and met mine. I smiled sweetly and Angel returned it before getting off the couch.

"Bedtime?" Angel suggested and held out a hand. I took in and Angel helped me off the couch.

"Bedtime, Angel." I reached down and hooked an arm under Angel's legs and lifted him off the ground. Angel tucked his head into the crook of my neck and I happily carried him to our bedroom.


"Scott? Lo encontramos." I averted my attention from the sleeping Angel next to me and looked at Eva who was holding a tablet in her hands. She walked up to the bed and I pushed myself into a sitting position. I took the tablet for myself and stared at it. It was a blurry picture with one pop of color in the corner.

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