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My computer is currently messed up so I haven't had time to pre edit any chapters properly but I did this one from my phone so hopefully it's decent. Sorry for the wait!

I ran my fingers across Ginger's forehead, moving his long hair from in front of his eyes. He grunted and shifted before lying still again. I nearly jumped out of my skin when Ginger opened one eye then snapped it to look up at me.

"You're creepy," I said and covered his eye with my hand but instead he opened the other. "Now you look like me."

"I can't see anything." Ginger croaked.

"Welcome to my world." I leaned back a bit as Ginger pushed himself up and he leaned over me as he pressed our lips together. I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me and laid on top of me. My fingers trailed up and down between his shoulders and the red head started to fall back asleep.

"Ginger?" I mumbled.

"What is it, Angel?" I felt my heart clench and my nails dug into Ginger's skin and he shifted so he could look at me "I.. I think I lo-"

I gasped when the bedroom door opened and Eva coming into the room with two glasses of a mysterious green liquid. Scott looked over and got off the bed. He took the two glasses and set them on the bedside and he conversed with her for a moment before leaving the room.

I frowned and balled up the bedsheets in my hands before taking one of the glasses of green juice and slowly sipping on it. Ginger came back in after about fifteen minutes and by then I had already finished my juice and was tempted to drink his.

"I apologize, I had to take care of something important. What is it you were telling me?" Ginger came around the bed and kissed me on the head.

"It's nothing."


"Beau, you're leaving early again?" I watched as Beau exited the office with his phone in his hand like always. I frowned, knowing I was to close up the shop by myself like I have been the entire week.

"Sorry, I have plans I need to meet."

"Beau." Beau let out a huff and turned around to see me. "We haven't hung out since that night."

"Your birthday is coming up, isn't it? Maybe we'll go have a few drinks or something."

"Birthday?" I looked behind Beau and my face flushed red when I saw Ginger coming into the store.

"Or the suit can keep you company," Beau mentioned then left. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over the counter and laid my head down.

I heard Ginger's shoes tapping against the tiled floor until he was in front of the counter and I felt his fingers brushing my hair back. "I haven't gotten a word about any birthday."

"I celebrate my birthday with a cheap bottle of wine and Family Feud." I lifted my head and met eyes with Ginger.

"Maybe we can drink cheap wine and watch Family Feud together." Ginger smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. "Have you closed already?"

"Just about to. Have to do inventory, write down what we need to order for next week, sweep, count the money then lock up."

"Your friend didn't stay to help?"

I rolled my eyes and stood up to detach the register and carry it to the office. I heard Ginger following. "Ever since he started dating that twink we haven't really talked and he's always leaving me alone to close up." I grabbed the store keys out of my back pocket and handed them to Ginger. "Can you lock the doors and flip the sign?"

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