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I parked the car across the street from the records shop and turned off the lights. I stared into the building and could see Angel sweeping down the aisles. He looked adorable as he talked with his friend and I was starting to wonder if I should back out of my plan. I shook my head then looked around the streets. J took notice of a man at the bus stop skipped two busses and was sitting to where he could see inside the records shop. I kept my eye on him for a moment but eventually, he stood up and walked away.

I looked back through the records shop and Angel was dancing around his broom, his friend joining as he mopped after Angel swept. I smiled at the sight and glanced at my side mirror, seeing a dark figure move to the back of the car. I squinted and pulled my mask from around my neck up to my face. I shut off the car and stepped out. Once I shut the door, I whipped around and grabbed the hand that was coming towards me. I twisted the man's arm and flipped him over.

The man landed on his back and I scurried around him, one foot on his torso and the other pinning his opposite arm down on the ground as I kept a hold on the other.

"Stay away from that kid. He deserves what's coming to him." The man said.

"You're working with Him, aren't you?" I sneered.

"I'm only following orders."

"That's what they all say." I hissed and moved my foot from the man's arm and pulled him up. I stepped around to hide behind the car and I pushed the man onto it as I pulled him into a headlock. "All I've heard from people like you is that you're just following orders. And every single time I manage to fall for it and keep that person alive but it always backfires on me. Another person is kidnapped and I'm no closer to finding Him. I'm not going to fall for it anymore. I'm tired of playing games with you bunch of fucking psychopaths."

The man groaned and moved his head but I only tightened my grip. "That man you call 'Him'. He's not just a psychopath. He's a cold-blooded murder. Kills just because he feels like it."

"Don't tell me stuff I already know."

"It's not like that! I swear." The man's voice started to crack and I could feel his Adam's Apple shaking. "He has my little girl. Says he'll kill her if I don't kill you. He'll get me out of my debt and I'll finally be able to give her a better life."


I groaned as I stepped out of the dark alleyway, reloading my gun. "Another lie, another bullet wasted. At least now I have a new lead..." I took out my pocket square and wiped off some blood that managed to get onto the side of my gun. As I was cleaning it, I looked back towards the records shop.

Angel was locking the doors and I was quick to stuff both the pocket square and my gun into my pocket and run across the street and through the alleyway behind the shop. I walked behind the surrounding shops opposite of Angel's usual walking route back home. I watched through the cracks between the buildings and Mitch was chatting with his friend until they came to a stop at a light. I nearly crashed into a group of people walking down the street. I stopped, watched them walk off, and continued to follow Angel.

Just as Angel crossed the street, I saw an SUV turn at the light and go down the street. I stayed a few meters behind Angel and the SUV parked in front of the junction that separated Angel's apartment lot and the crappy gas stations and tattoo parlors around it. The lights turned off but no one got out. Angel was too busy looking at his phone to notice and I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly ducked behind a few cars off the side of the road and picked out my phone.

Angel: I'm almost home, just letting you know. Goodnight, I love you. ❤❤

Ginger: I love you, Angel. Be safe.

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