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Scott's POV

"Well done, Scott. I thought this was going to take weeks. We've been trying to go after this gang for months and you managed to take him down in two days." Ron said and leaned against the wall next to me.

"Yeah, I'm sure you've been 'trying'." I rolled my eyes. "And it isn't hard to impress people like him. All you have to do is do the exact opposite of what he likes. They like people who are able to stand their own ground."

"You killed two people and severely injured the leader without any hesitation. We need to question him but it looks like he'll be out of commission for weeks. The doctors say he needs a blood transplant before they continue with his surgery so they've placed him under a coma for now. You impress me."

I only hummed and continued to stare at the room in front of me. 

"How is he?" 


"The boy?" 

"He's fine." Ron huffed and kicked off the wall and walked away. I followed him and he leads me into the opposite building and into a questioning room with David sitting in it. There was another officer there but David only had his head down and wasn't talking. 

"See if you can get anything out of him," Ron said and I nodded and walked into the room. I grabbed the officer's shoulder and he stood up from the chair and walked out. I sat down and looked at David. 

"How did you do it?" David asked. "You were only there for two days but somehow. You took everything down." 

I leaned against the table. "Not everything. There are still small gangs here and there still loyal to Him. Do you know where I can find them?" 

"No. I wasn't that close to him to be able to know their locations."

"But you delivered drugs to them?" 

"Yes. I was placed in a blacked-out car during deliveries. I had no idea where I was going." David looked up at me. "How is he? Kenny. Is he okay?"

"He's fine. You are aware you just admitted to dealing drugs around the biggest mafia gang in the state, right?" 

"Yes. I'm okay to answer any other question you have. Just please, keep Kenny safe."

"What is His real name?" 

"No idea." 

"Are you aware of any other members apart from the side gang we didn't arrest we should be aware of?" 

David's eyes widened a bit. "There's an Italian rat I didn't see at the scene. He must've run off when he knew what was going on. He never likes coming to those things."

"He doesn't seem like the type to let that kind of thing slide," I said.

"I know. I always wondered why he was so chummy with Him as well. I can describe him to you." I motioned for an officer to come in and draw out a picture. Once it was done I looked at David closely. He witnessed something awful today. Seeing your own child fall from an 8-story high building would definitely do something to you. If it wasn't shown on his face now he would definitely be feeling the guilt and trauma in the days to come.

What Mitch did was heroic. I never taught him how to do that move with his arms and legs. It made me wonder if it was pure reflex or if he's ever been in restraints a situation like that before I met him. "Mitch hasn't woken up yet but I can leave a word for you if you'd like for once he does."

"Just tell him, 'thank you'. I have nothing else to say." An officer came back into the room and started to chain him up. "Wait, please, make sure Kenny gets into a good home." Some of the other gang members were brought into the room and I stood up and left. 

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