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"This is the one?" I shivered at the sound of an almost familiar voice. I feel like I've heard this voice before. Probably haunted my nightmares. The room I was dragged into had a blue tint. It was dark and cold. I could hear water dripping in the distance. I tried to look around but I sensed someone had stood up and was walking towards us. I stood straight and only looked ahead. Two long fingers touched my face and traced my cheek, deepening the cut. "What happened?" 

I looked to my left and Montgomery dropped to his knee, to my left, the two white men also dropping. I didn't dare move, not while this man had my face so close to his hand. One wrong move and I probably would be dead. The tension excited me. The fingers went down my face and caressed my chin as it was tilted around. 

"Answer me, Monty." 

"Apologies, sir. He defeated, Kent, Fred, Jeffery, Lily, Ogun, and Snake." 

"Snake? I'm impressed." The cold voice said and I sensed he moved back to where he was.

"I take it Snake was the one who didn't show her face? She wasn't hard at all. Actually the first one I to-" A knife singed by my face and stuck in the door behind me. I shut my mouth quickly.

"Don't speak out of turn, boy. Seems you need discipline."

"I don't need discipline. I know well enough to speak by myself. I don't need anyone to tell me when I can or can't move my own lips." I sneered. He stood up once again and almost at the speed of light He was in front of me. I could feel a bead of sweat run down my spine.

"You're something else, boy. I like it. I think I'll keep you here in my office. A personal pet would be nice." He sneered and leaned in close, his tongue swiping at my cheek where I assumed blood was dripping from the cut. "You seem familiar. Someone I've been trying to catch for years now." 

"Right back at you, creep,"

"I think you and I should have some fun before I show you to your little room. Monty, take your men and leave us." I looked over and Montgomery stood up and grabbed the two others by their shirts and lead them out of the room. The door clicked behind us and I could only imagine what was about to come for me.


I was lead to my temporary room by a man named David. He flicked on the dim light in the room and shoved me in. It was practically empty besides the bed in the middle of the room. It was basically a cell. 

"Be happy you even have a bed. He only gives those to who he deems worthy." David said and I looked over at him.

"Jealous?" I huffed.

"Honestly? I feel bad for you." I took a moment to analyze David and he had some bruises and a black eye with several burst veins in it.

"Did He do that to you?" 

"This?" He pointed at his eye and I nodded. "No. Some hostage we have here did this. He's small but damn he can fight. I'll try to bring you some first aid stuff later. I always feel bad for the new recruits. Damn bastard doesn't know how to hold back." 

"You can say that again. You went through it too?" I said and sat on the bed and hissed before getting as comfortable as I could on the bed that was probably ridden with bedbugs.

"Yeah," David said simply and shut the door behind me. I huffed and looked at my bruised arms and touched my puffed up cheek. I wondered if the "hostage" David was talking about was Mitch. I knew I had trained him to defend himself but it burned me inside to even think he had to use it. What was happening to him? How close am I to him? Can I get to him easily? How do I even get out of this place? There were too many turns and I was so worn out from what He did to me. Damn bastard, now there's no way I'd ever let anyone near my ass. Even Mitch. Damn it hurt.

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