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When I wrote this I didn't do any research on people with one eye and how they cry without one of their eyes and I was bulk writing at the time so I really didn't want to have to rewrite the whole chapter so that's that.

"Is Mitch joining us for dinner?" I set down Eva's plate in front of her then sat down.

"I told him, Eva. Everything."


"Just about what I do, not my past." I sat down and stared at my plate then huffed. "I regret it. I really do."

"He didn't take it well?"

"Fuck, who would? I mean how would you feel if you were told your boyfriend was a mass murder and you found out you were being hunted by a serial kidnapper?"

"Scott I know this is hard but just give him some time."

"It's been a few days already. He hasn't come out of the guest room but I've delivered food to him several times. He wouldn't let me come in; would make me leave the plate on the floor and wouldn't take it until I left."

Eva sighed and took a sip of her water and an awkward silence fell over us. We started eating and not long after the dining-room door opened and I looked over to see Angel standing there wearing a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants.

"Oh. hi Eva." He squeaked.

"Hi, Sweet Boy. You doing alright?"

Angel nodded quickly. "Could bring some food up for me?"

"Of course, just let me make you a plate real quick and I'll follow you up." Eva stood up and left into the kitchen. Angel walked into the dining room and the door shut behind him, the noise making him jump in his spot. He glanced over at me then looked away quickly.

"Angel, I'm not-"

"Scott.. I don't want to talk..." Angel's voice quivered as he spoke and I huffed. Silence fell once again and the sound of fork clicking against my plate was starting to piss me off.

Angel took in a breath and I looked up at him. "No, I do want to talk. You used me, played me like a fool. Lead me on and made me feel like I mattered. You knew everything about me, how I handle things and how I've been treated and still."

Angel sniffled and he wiped his eye. "You still decided to take my vulnerability and take advantage of it. Has everything from the beginning just been you playing me? Just toying with my feelings?"

My vision blurred as I stared at Angel shivering in his spot. "Not everything."

I blinked away my tears and Angel cursed and ripped off his eye patch then placed his hand over the spot. When he removed it, blood stained his sweater sleeve and a bit started to trickle out of the spot. I quickly jumped out of my seat and ran over but Angel gasped and backed away, looking up at me with absolute panic and fear in his eyes.

"Please.. Please don't come close." He whimpered and more tears dripped from his left eye and blood from his right.

"Angel, should you be bleeding from that spot? How long has this been going on?" I tried to step forward to inspect Angel but he continued to back up until he hit the door. He scrambled to find the handle and when he did he rushed out of the dining room and I could hear his footsteps disappear upstairs.

The kitchen door opened and I turned around to see Eva carrying a tray. She set the tray down and went over to me. "What happened? Where's Mitch? Why is there blood on the floor? ¿Qué hiciste?"

"Thanks for thinking I hurt him. He started bleeding out of the spot and I tried to help him but-"

"He's terrified now. Isn't he?" Eva's voice softened and she went up to me. "Are you okay?"

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