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- Scott's POV -

"Ginger? Giinnngeerrr? Wake up, Scotty!"

I grunted as a hand pressed onto my abdomen and a body collapsed on top of me. I carefully brought my hand up to my face to rub my eyes and I finally opened them and looked down. Angel was laying across my torso and he was playing with my chest hairs.

"Good morning." Angel grinned and he tossed himself towards me, collapsing on my chest and I grunted and rolled to my side.

"It's too early for this, Angel." I groaned as Angel started to kiss my cheek and chin.

"It's never too early for some love." I smiled and turned my head over.

"I guess you're right, Angel." Angel grinned and kissed me before sitting up on his side of the bed. He waited until I was situated to grab my hands and pull me up to my feet. I grunted, not wanting to move after I had just woken up but I just couldn't say no to the boy in front of me.

"What's on the menu for breakfast today?" I said as I pulled open the fridge. I bent down and grabbed the carton of eggs and took out a few nearly rotten leaves of parsley and chives. I smelled the vegetables then toyed with them between my fingers before setting them on the counter.

"Here, baby, " I looked over while taking out a knife from the cutlery drawer to see Angel handing me a cup of coffee. I smiled and leaned down, kissing him gently before taking the coffee.

"Thank you, Angel. Run along, I'm making breakfast." Angel smirked at my tone of voice and he lightly hit me on the ass as he walked to the patio. I turned back to the counter and focused on chopping up the vegetables.

Once I was done I searched the small fridge for any meats and I heard the faint sound of a silencer and a thud outside. I shut the fridge door and rushed to the patio, seeing through the door Angel laying on the concrete, blood pooling around him and his broken coffee mug rolling beside him.

"Mitch!" I opened the patio door but once I stepped outside I was floating in a white space. I breathed heavily and spun in a circle, looking around. "Mitch?" I winced as a scream that sounded much too like Mitch's voice and it continued to get louder and louder. I brought my hands over my ears and nails dug into my skin as the screams weren't muffled out.


I jolted out of my sleep when a loud ding rang in my head and I looked around. My arm was wrapped around Angel who was sleeping against my side. Family Feud was still playing on the TV and I grunted and rubbed my eye.

I gently shook Angel awake and he whimpered and sat up. He looked up at me for a moment then stood off the couch and went to the bathroom. I shut off the TV and took our dirty dinner bowls to the kitchen sink. I felt something slither between my legs and I looked down, the rat rubbing against my foot and he stretched up, his claws coming up and digging into my pants. I quickly reached down and picked up Wyatt. "Watch the jeans, they were expensive." I hissed.

I went to the bedroom and set Wyatt down on the bed as I undressed. I went into Mitch's closet and found a few spare hangers, hanging my clothes so they weren't too wrinkled. The bathroom light flooded into the room and I hung up my clothes and shut the closet door.

Angel shut off the bathroom light and came over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bed. He yawned as I got under the covers and he shimmied his pants off before laying beside me. He turned over and I scooted closer,  pressing against him and kissing the back of his neck.

"I love you, Mitch," I whispered, caging Angel in my arms. Lazily, one arm of his slithered under mine and the back of my hand met his palm. His fingers closed over my hand and my face heated up. 

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