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Mitch's POV

"Mitch, can I talk to you?" I looked over at my boss who was holding the door to his office open. I sighed when I knew what was already coming to me. I followed her into the office and leaned against the far wall as she shut the door and sat down at her desk. "I'm sorry to put this on you but I can't keep putting up with this. You haven't been keeping track of inventory, multiple cases have been lost back and forth from the company and you've been recently slacking."

"A lot has been happening. I mean the store I've been working for almost five years was destroyed. It's taking some time to get used to different jobs." I argued.

"It's been 5 months, Mitch. I'm sorry but please, punch out and go home. Here, I'll cover your dinner tonight." My boss started to pull out her wallet.

"I don't need pity. I just needed more time." I spat and left the office. I punched out from the timesheet and went to my locker in the backroom. I gathered my stuff and left the office and tried to fight back my tears. I had no backup plan even though I knew I wasn't going to last long at this place. I took the first bus back home so I wouldn't be near the office for long but the stop was still miles away from my apartment building.

I looked around and realized I wasn't far from his neighborhood. The stupid redhead. I debated stopping by his home and asking for a ride but I knew it was wrong. It's been seven months since we've last talked. I can't just stop by after so long and ask for a ride home. In the midst of all my thinking, I missed the next bus and went to look at the schedule. The next one wasn't coming for another forty-five minutes. I whimpered. I hated being out in public for so long. Especially if I didn't have someone with me. Even after so long I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was always watching me.

I spotted a convenience store across the road and went over to it, buying some small ingredients for dinner. I left the store and went back to the bus stop to wait. The bus came back earlier than the schedule said and I hopped on quickly. During the ride home I spotted an RV park and suddenly remembered our last conversation.

"I want to be free with you, Mitch. Please, travel the country with me. I can keep you safe where we go and-"


My heart shattered at the memory and I slumped in my seat. I feel selfish for wanting to take him back on that offer. After I've lost everything, I suddenly decide to go with him again? I put my head against the window and my vision glossed over. My stop came pretty quickly so I rushed off the bus and practically ran to my apartment.


I got off the couch as my door was knocked on and went to open it. I looked through the peephole first then pulled open the door. Beau and Jay walked through with bags of food.

"Dinner time!" Beau shouted as he walked in. I smiled a bit as he set the food on the coffee table and sat down. I shut the door and sat next to the couple.

"Thank you, guys. It means a lot." I said and Beau pulled open the bags and looked through the boxes. As he did, I turned on the TV and put on a random show.

"It's no problem, really," Jay said and handed me a box of food along with the plastic utensils. I leaned back and opened the box, my stomach growling at the smell.

As we ate and watched TV, Jay cuddled up to Beau and I noticed out of the corner of my eye since they were sitting on my left. I stood up quickly to throw away all the trash and store the leftovers. I looked inside my practically empty fridge and shut it quickly. It was weird not to be able to go to him when I needed help. He always offered it and like an idiot, I never took the hand. Even though I always told him I didn't need the help but he still did it with no hesitation. I needed that hand now but I felt too greedy to ask for it.

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