Chapter 39: Happiness

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Mason is laying on the bed on my old bedroom. I have pictures with my parents everywhere, white walls and bed, with a closet and bathroom. The basic.

I toke the dress, and am now on a t-shirt and sport shorts.

Crawling to him and seating close to his knees, my legs on each side of him, I trace his abs. He's only wearing black sweatpants.

"That party was tiring, Christ." He sighs and I nod, looking at the figures my finger does.

"I didn't know you had that side of you. With Vic, I mean." I say and he shrugs. "I am gentle with you."

I look at his gaze. "I know. But I'm 21 she's 5. Obviously it's different. You're good with kids." He leans himself forward and grabs my hands pulling me down with him. I'm on a plank pose less my legs. My face above his, my hair not falling since I still am with my make up and hair up.

"Guess so." He caresses my cheek making my eyes close momentarily. "Do you want them?"

"Huh?" I frown not knowing what he refers to. "Kids." My brows raise slightly, but I shrug. "One day. Do you?"

My heart beats faster for a unknown reason.

"Someday, yes." I nod, tracing the small scar on his cheek bone. "Have you ever though of names." He asks and I shrug. "I like Athena, Vincenzo, Alessandro, Sebastián... "

"A lot of italian names I see, gettin too influenced by me?"

"Maybe, I like Xavier too." I tease and he smirks. "I like when you say it too."

"You like everything in me." I wink and he chuckles. I move forward a bit and lean down to peck his lips. He grabs the back of my neck pulling my face down again. We kiss hungrily, our lips moving in sync.

He lifts his hips, making his crotch rub my sex and I gasp a moan, giving him access to thrust his tongue inside my mouth. As his tongue explore my mouth, I suck on it making him groan lowly and I bite his lip pulling away.

I need air, unfortunately I'm a human being with no super powers.

We're both breathing heavily, our forehead touching each other. He grabs my ass and makes me rub my core on his dick, making me bite my lip.

"So, Mazikeen, ready for a ride." He smirks and I chuckle. Leaning down, I peck his lips then his nose, he leaves the grasp on my ass. "Ok, gotcha. You want to sleep." He kisses my temple as I give him a apologetic smile.

I still have my makeup to clean!

I groan leaving his lap. "What is it, kitten?"

"I need to take my make up, but I'm tired, and lazy." I pout but walk to the bathroom. I rummage through my bag and take the wipes.

"Hey, lay there, let me do it." He leans on the bathroom door and I shake my head. "You don't have to."

"But I want to. Bed, please."

"Fine." I kiss his jaw since I'm no longer in my heels and he's a tower, and hand him the wipe package.

Laying on the bed Mason turns off all the lights less one, to see what he's doing. I close my eyes feeling the wet wipe being gently passed on my face, it makes me smile.

He's a true gentleman.

He wipes my eyes, softly like he's afraid that I will break under his touch.

He's a little late for that, my cold walls on my heart already broke because of him. He actually made me have feelings again for a person. That person being him.

When he finishes to wipe my lips he kisses them tenderly. "Thank you, no one has ever done these type of things for me before." I mumble.

"You got nothing to thank for, sexy." He mocks my words from the other day and I smile going close to him, laying my head on his chest, his soothing heartbeat making me sleep faster, as he softly undones my ponytail.

Seating at the table taking pancakes to my plate, Xander, Octavia, Wes and Rachel eat breakfast with me.

Mason never usually eats and he told me he was with a headache so I let him sleep.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Rachel asks. She's very pretty, with curly hair and blue eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend, and he's asleep, he was with a headache and never eats in the morning."I smile at her.

"Oh. I thought he was, the way you acted with each other just made me presume." She smiles at me and I nod.

I don't know how to feel about that.

"How are things going?" Xander asks and I much on the food on my mouth before answering. "Really good. Dominic and I were the other day at his old house and founded some files. We're much closer to it." He nods.

"That's good."

We continue to talk about random things like we used to. And teasing Wes about kids, obviously he changed to me.


"Hey Scar." I hear Wes behind me before I can open the door to my bedroom. "Yep?"

"You're different." He says making me frown. "What do you mean? In a bad way?"

He shakes his head smiling. "Totally not. Your eyes shine way more, you smile way more and laugh. You're more happy."


"I guess so. I really like him, you know." He nods. "I can see that. Don't let him go, he likes you as much as you do. If you saw the way he looks at you, you would maybe even say more than like. " My heart speeds up at that. I only nod smiling and enter the bedroom.

Mason is laying on his stomach with arms crossed under his head that's laying above them . The sheets are at the bottom of the bed, showing his back muscles, and himself just in black boxers.

What a drooling sight, goddamn.

Cautiously laying on top of his back, he groans a little but doesn't wake up. I lay there for a moment, looking at his peaceful sleepy face, thinking about how good accepting Dominic's offer was.

I am truly happy, no sadness hiding, just true happiness.

All thanks to Mason.

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