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Just to announce I've just posted a Bonus chapter in the second book of the 'Ashes Duet.'

It's a Valentine's Day BONUS, and happens nearly eleven years after this one!

Make sure to read the second book to enjoy it and the follow-up of their story!



Two fucking months. She left two months ago, I haven't heard her voice, seen her face, nothing.

No one knows where she is. Not even Wesley. He told me she was ok, because he knew she would call if there was any danger.

Nothing else besides that.

I've been a mess. I glare at everything, I don't sleep, barely eat, and I busy my head with work or punching the hell out of the gym bag.

Everything to put her aside.

I honestly thought to call Hannah, but I just couldn't. That was the day I realized... I god damn love Scarlett.

Of course I do, I would be stupid If I didn't. She makes me laugh, when no one, in six years, ever did.

She makes me feel like I'm sane, and not a monster. She understands me, my pain, the person I am.

Scarlett has seen the true me, the goofiness, the gentleness, the bad and the broken, and still... she was there for me, always.

I miss her so fucking much. Her touch, smile, laugh, the teases, her body, the way her hair would be on my face at the middle of the night, the way her legs tangled in mine, or the way her body felt when melted against mine.

She's my everything.

I love her so much that it gets to the pint where it's painful. I realized that the day she left, when she gave me that last look with her gray eyes that I love.

Now I get what they were saying. The three words that are at the tip of my tongue for her, words that I've thought of sending through message, but chickened out and deleted before pressing the send button.

I love you.

(P.S.: I haven't edited any of the 'Ashes Duet' books yet, so there might be slight grammar errors.)

And while at it, make sure to read my ongoing standalone ANGEL!

Dark Angel isn't fragile like a flower, she's fragile like a bomb.


He infuriated me ever since our first encounter.

I admired his looks and the patience he had while holding me hostage. But as the months followed up, our hate towards one another grew.

So much, that the ashes inside of me bloomed as well.


She infuriated me since the first time I laid eyes on her.

The angelic face with the most electric, shining eyes I've ever depared myself with. It took every fiber in my body not to kill her while she ate my patience away when holding her hostage in my basement.

Months followed up, and my hate towards her bitch attitude reached a point with no control.

After all, hate and love have the same rush of adrenaline

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