Chapter 6: Tease

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It's currently 3am, and I can't sleep. I'm in my phone watching YouTube and listening to music, but nothing, so I decide to leave the room.

Putting my flippers on, I close the door silently and head downstairs quietly to the kitchen.

I look out off the window to see that it's pitch black, with some stars in the sky.

Taking a glass from the cupboards and pour some water in it, I start to think on the revenge I'll do.

I'm anxious for the day where, I finish the blood of that monster, comes. I've never been so close to it. I feel like I will be finally able to fully move on.

There's nothing more that I want right now, since that day, than to kill him with my bare hands. I want my face to be the last one he sees.

He killed every single person off my blood, ruined all my happiness, took me my childhood, hours off sleep and the person that loved me the most.

"Scarlett." A voice suddenly says scaring me, and I quickly turn around, my fist ready to punch the person.

My fist hits Mason jaw and my eyes widen seeing that it's him.

"Fuck, it's just me, chill." He says rubbing his jaw and I stare at him in shock.

I didn't know it was him, I was lost in my thoughts.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, you scared me and I didn't know it was y-" I go to apologize but he puts a hand up to stop me from rambling.

"It's fine. A pack off ice will do." He goes to the fridge, pickes the ice and puts on his sharp jaw. "That was a hell of a punch by the way." he ads smirking and I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry. Part of it was your fault though." I say and he raises his eyebrows in desbelief. "I only called your name."

"I was with my mind elsewhere, of course you would scare me, idiot."

"I could see that. One minute more and that glass would be shattered on the floor."

I must have been gripping it hard. It's possible, wouldn't be the first time.

"Sorry. Can I see, please? " I point to his jaw and he nods. Removing the bag of ice from him and putting it on the marble island, I grab his face with my two hands and check the damage I did.

It's already a bit red, in a normal person would be way worst but he has a rock face, my hand still hurts a little.

"It's going to form a bruise. Do you have any cream for it?" I say brushing gently my thumb on the place.

I realized now how tall he is, I'm on my tiptoes just to grab his face. It's probably because I'm barefoot, and my sneakers make me taller.

"Don't worry about it. Go to sleep, you look tired." He says , his voice somewhat soft. I lock my gray eyes to his brown ones. "You seem too." I point out and he shrugs.

"I don't usually sleep."

"Oh." I say and he nods. Our eyes still locked. We keep the contact for a few minutes, before I break it clearing my throat. "Well I should go then. Keep the ice in there."

"I will. Goodnight Scarlett."

"Bye Mason." I say and rush upstairs to the room.

"Man, this food is so good." Dion says moaning, Sophia and I laugh at him.

The three of us were in the kitchen. Dion sitting at the couch, his body turned around to us and his elbows resting on the top of it.

"I know right! Seriously you got to teach me some of this before I leave." I say to her, eating the breakfast she cooked today.

She could be a top chef, for real.

She thanks at us both before continuing cooking.

"Already thinking of leaving? Is my presence too much for you to handle?" Dion teases and I nod. "Of course it is. You're like... my idol."

"I can give you an autograph and other things." He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I roll my eyes.


"I could give you a punch too." I smile innocently at him and the smirk from his face falls.

"I wouldn't doubt that. Been there, done that." Mason says, suddenly appearing at the kitchen, in his usual dark clothes.

Indeed there is a bruise in is jaw, but nothing too dramatic.

"It was an accident!" I exclaim glaring at him.

"I don't know. I only said your name you know?" he replies taking an apple from the fridge, bitting on it.

I groan. He's impossible.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know?" I mock him and he smirks. "I could be a pleasure too."

I roll my eyes scrunching my nose up. "Nah, I don't want any disease."

"Last time I checked I didn't had any."

"And since that time, how many rounds did you have?" I raise my perfectly shaped eyebrow at him.

"Now there, you have a point. But I do use protection, so far so good. Want to take the offer?" he comes closer to me and I push him away.

"Not in the mood. Call Hannah." He smirk only gets bigger at that. "Maybe. She doesn't punch me."

I groan in frustration. It was a fucking accident, he scared me, he wanted me to what?

"Hm, guys? I'm confused."Dion asks, looking more confused than never.

In all off this 'argument' with Mason, I forgot that there was two more persons in the room. Even though Sophia was quiet, I think she's afraid of Mason. I would too, his posture is intimidating.

"She punched me last night." He says pointing at the little bruise in his jaw.

"In my defense, he scared me." I put my hands up, in a form of surrender.

"You're really aggressive aren't you? It's the targets dicks, now the mafia boss jaw. Do you have a dead wish?" Dion says and I can't help but laugh at that.

"Nah, I just like the drill , you know. Living to the fullest."

"You could add some rounds with me in that drill of yours." Mason says and I smile at him.

He's not going to shut up with the sex talk, is he?

"Sure. Come on." He looks at me shocked and I get up from my seat going upstairs towards my room. I could tell that he's behind me because I hear his footsteps.

When we reach the floor of our rooms he doesn't waste time and turns me around by my waist attacking my lips with his.

Surprisingly enough they are warm and soft. Nothing like the kiss that is rough and urgent.

His arms are around my waist, mine around his neck and our lips moving in sync, I can't help but like how his taste.

He brushes his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I give. He pulls me against my room door, body flushed with mine. I feel his erection against my lower stomach, and smirk inside.

Got you.

I fumble to open the door, our kiss deepening more as he cups my ass, and my fingers tangle on his soft dark hair.

I bite his bottom lip, causing him to groan, and pull apart.

"Jokes on you." I whisper panting, looking at his now swollen lips, and close the door right in his face, not having the time to see his reaction, only laughing when I heard him curse under his breath.

Someone's going for a cold shower. Aha!

I lean in my door and regain my breath, licking my lips who were still tingling from his.

He's a hell of a kisser.

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