Chapter 36: Vulnerable

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Seating on the couch, each one with a plate of eggs, we continue to watch whatever show is on.

"These are really damn good." Mason says and I smile confidently. "I mean, I live alone, I won't only eat fast food."

He looks me up and down, cocking his head to the side slightly. "It doesn't look like that?" I gasp. "Are you saying I'm fat Xavier?"

"Me? Never!" He pretends to be shocked and I punch him slightly on the chest. He falls back dramatically groaning, with his hand on the spot, eyes closed.

"Mason! Oh God! He died!" I fake concern and straddle him, shaking his face. "I need mouth to mouth respiration." He says opening one eye and I fake gasp. "I'm imagining things! Now dead people talk."

The corners of his mouth turn up slightly, trying not to ruin his cover. I lean down and kiss his lips.

"Well, I survived. Hell is a beautiful place." He sits up and I laugh. "You're an idiot!" I continue to laugh and he joins me with his chuckles.

I'm glad I can make him smile.

We eat the eggs after that and head to his bedroom again. He's quiet. It's like he gets distracted for a few minutes but when it's over he gets back to grieving.

He said he just wanted to lay on bed, so that's what we're doing. I brush my nose with his at times, making his mouth curl up slightly.

"Thank you." He whispers, looking deeply in my eyes as I do the same. "For what?"

"It's the first time in six years that I spend this day actually feeling mostly sadness then anger. At this time I would probably be breaking noses."

I breath a laugh, my finger running through his sharp jaw. "Glad you're not." He nods and pecks softly my lips several times, a smile breaks on my face.

When I look at his eyes again I see so much sadness, anger and pain it makes me want to cry. He's looking so vulnerable.

"Tell me what you're feeling, Mason." I plead with my eyes and he takes a deep breath, hugging me tightly.

"I miss her so fucking much." His voice is completely broken, and with one hand I rub his back slowly.

"I miss her everyday, but today it seems like it intensifies. Six years ago we were probably pranking everyone on the house. She didn't wanted parties, just to be the crazy person she was, but amplified." He smiles like he's remembering those days, and even though his eyes are on mine, I know he's not fully concentrated on my gray orbs.

"When she was shot she had the balls to joke with the situation and I had them to laugh through my tears. The little brat, always making jokes when she shouldn't." A tear fall from his eye, and I know my eyes are watering themselves.

"What was the joke?" I ask softly seeing his smile slightly getting bigger. "She said that she was glad I catched her because her butt was not big enough to support the pain of the fall." We chuckle softly at that, the tear escaping my eye.

"I thought that she was going to make it. She was talking just like she hadn't just been shot on the stomach. I always knew the pain was there because she said that it hurted like a bitch and didn't recommended to anyone. She was so damn strong, even though she was alucinating that some angel with the name of a demon was with her and she didn't suffered a bit, so it was her payback, and that she wouldn't have the chance to thank her. She was a crazy one."

I tense but fast regain myself. She wasn't crazy. Mazikeen, name of a demon indeed. My mom had some strange fascination with that, don't ask, I never understood.

Katherine was always saying that I was a angel with a demon name. That's why I have a tattoo on my hip with the word angel in red with a flame in front.

Seating at the dinner table it's all tense. We're all with blank faces, Mason is glaring at everything.

Feeling a warm on my leg I almost drop my fork, but I'm glad it didn't because that would be way to loud in this whole silence.

Looking down I see Mason hand, but it's the back of his hand that it's on my leg, not his palm.

I frown for a second but fast understand that he wants to hold hands. Sliding my hand in his, he laces our fingers together.

How do they fit so perfectly?

I squeeze it two times, for him to know that I'm there, gaining one in return.

The rest of the dinner the only thing you could hear were the cutlery hitting on the plates at times.

Mason and I were the last ones getting up from the table and we're now in his room.

I flop myself on the mattress, and sigh, waiting for Mason do whatever business he has on the bathroom.

When he comes out he's only wearing boxers and I have to force my eyes on his tired but still devilish handsome face. He lays on his white sheets, and rests his head on my flat stomach, his arms hugging me.

The action takes me back, because he never did it but never less I run my fingers through his dark messy hair.

"Is this ok with you, kitten?" He mumbles and I nod forgetting he can't see me. "Yep."

"Ok." He says weakly and with his index finger starts to run circles on my stomach, making my heart accelerate. His touch does things to me.

"Thank you... for today." Mason whispers and my hand goes to caress his cheek. "You don't have nothing to thank for Mas."

My finger trails from his cheek to his nose, and I flick the tip softly, making the corners of his mouth lift up slightly. He lifts his t-shirt that I'm using, and leaves a simple gentle kiss on my stomach.

"Goodnight kitten."

"Night Mason." I say and close my eyes appreciating the warm his embrace is giving me.

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