You: ya i got what you want to say...

PD: ya... So those people who were here when you came was from those new people.. & this three are really.. I'm fed up with this three.. But I'm scared.. If i keep auditions again as last time sasangs may enter into company... I'm really scared.. & that's the reason I'm baring this people.. But day by day they are irritating me... Yesterday they didn't locked.. After an hour I sent one of these old staff to bring something by giving keys... But you know what... The door's were all open.. He saw everywhere but no one is present at the office.. So he checked CCTV photage so that he can see if their is anyone... Even in CCTV their were no people in the building... Then he took what I said & saw who went out last & did they even locked or not... & then he locked & came to me... By God grease I get to know it before because I sent him. What if he didn't... Omgggg....

You: omg.. Don't worry pd shiiii.... Every thing will be fine... What if we set a automatic would be fine rt... It will get look after 10:30... & if at all any one are inside they can use key to unlock... & after they went out it will be locked again automatically...

PD: wow.. That would be a great idea y/n... that's why I say your the best...Anyway... As they don't know about your marriage... You should be careful before them y/n...or they may leak it before we announce... & I don't think so we can keep this secret for long... I will talk about the announcement soon... You have no problem right..

You: no I don't... But I'm little scared... Idk... When it came to announcement I'm little scared pd shiiii... * shaking your head by seeing down*

Pd: *patted your head* Don't worry y/n...everything will be alright... * smiled*

You: hmm.. Hope for the best* smile*

Pd: ok then go & meet them or they will kill me..

You: haha ok pd shiiii... * got up to go to BTS* I will return back in few min.. Because if I'm their.. Their is chances staff may get doubt...

PD : ya your correct

By that you left to meet BTS..

You opened the door of dance practice room..

You opened the door of dance practice room

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You: annyoung * excited*

BTS: omg y/n.. Annyoung * came to you *..

Old staff: aww... How are you y/n..gud to see you..

You: I'm fine unnies & oppas... It's good to see you all too.. How are you all been... I missed you all so much..

Old staff: we too..

You all laughed except new staff..

Jimin hold your hand you got shocked because new staff may see & all...

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