"Wow" I say in awe. "Nice crib" WTF why did I say that.

He laughs and smiles whilst looking down at me. "Thanks baby" 

I blush at this nickname and turn away from his gaze. 

"Let's go" he says holding out his hand for me. I timidly reach out my hand and reach it towards his. Seeming impatient he harshly grabs my hand in his and pulls me forward to his house. 

We walk up to his door and it is opened for us by two men in all black. Two very fit men. They look at me then at my hand intertwined with Ian and a low growl escapes Ians lips making the men look away. He pushes his way into the house.

"Jane Eyre" I say stopping.

"It's just upstairs in my room, come on." He says somehow understanding my odd phrasing of my request. He tugs lightly on my hand to encourage me to keep walking.

Not completely letting his charisma lull me into a false sense of security I say "I'm happy to wait down here" with a smile. 

He frowns slightly, but recovers quickly and wordlessly instead leads me into his kitchen. An old lady is washing the dishes and when she hears us enter she turns to to look at the both of us. 

"What do you want?" he says looking down at me.

Confused by this since I didn't ask for anything I say "Oh no I'm fine thanks."

"Get her a drink and the cookies I bought" he says ignoring me and diverting his gaze to the lady.

"Yes boss" she says quietly in response. Boss? Before I can think further on the topic Ian looks back at me and says "Wait here, I'll be right back." Then he exits the kitchen and the familiar feeling of confusion when I am with him washes over me.

The old lady chuckles lightly and walks to the pantry, pulling out the cookies. She sets them on a plate and motions for me to sit. "Boss insisted we bought these cookies." she says.

Looking at the packet I notice that it is my favourite brand of cookies, the cookies that I bought that day and dropped with my bundle of groceries. He can't have possibly bought them because of me? Right?

"Thank you!" I say with a genuine smile excited by the cookies in front of me. 

"What would you like to drink?" she says smiling back at me warmly, as I stuff a cookie into my mouth. Classy Aubrey. Classy. 

"Just a water please, if that's ok?" I say. She nods and fills up a glass with cold water and then places it next to my plate. 

Suddenly a large hand emerges from behind me a grabs a cookie off my plate. "What the hell?" I say turning around to be faced with a hard chest. I feel my cheeks redden I take in his alluring scent. Oh shit. I look up and see him about to put the cookie in his mouth. 

"Oi get your own!" I say swatting at his hand holding my last cookie. He manages to dodge my swats, places the cookie in his mouth and then wraps his arms tightly around me to stop my wriggling. I can't help the pout that comes to my face knowing he has won. 

"Rude" I mutter. Ian laughs softly behind me. I feel someone staring at me and look to see the older lady staring at me and Ian with what I interpret to be a look of complete and utter shock.  

"Ahh Ian" I say when he remains holding me. He grunts and slowly removes himself from me and plops the book down on the counter in front of me. 

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it!" I say. "Well I best be going," looking to the lady "and thank you for the cookies and water!" She nods with a smile and says "Of course" 

"Dinner" he says his cheeks reddening slightly. What? Noticing my confused expression he continues "Stay uh- for dinner?" I have to suppress a laugh at this intimidating man sporting a bright red blush and stuttering. 

"You sure?" I say not wanting to intrude but also enjoying teasing him slightly. 

He nods sharply and turns to the lady and says "Evelyn, prepare-" then he turns to me and says "What do you want?" 

Gaining confidence I say "Lasagna?"

"Prepare lasagna" Ian says turning back to Evelyn with a smile on his face. 

"Thank you!" I say to Evelyn.

"Should be about an 1 hour" she says then turning to start preparation. 

Cutting off Ian before he starts talking I say "Do you need any help?"

Evelyn turns back around startled, she composes herself and responds "Oh no dear, I'm perfectly fine!"

I turn to look at Ian and see him already looking down at me with a surprised expression and adoring eyes. Then a wave of fear washes over me as I realise I will have to engage further with this man one-on-one for the next hour and a bit before I get to go home. Oh shit. 


thank you so much for reading!

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stay healthy <3

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