Ensign Baker x Reader

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"Morning Mary." you sit at the table. "Cooked early didn't you?" You tease Mary. Mr. Baker came in the room. "Morning."

"Good morning Mr. Baker." Mary said. "Morning Mr. Baker." You chimed in after. He sat adjacent from you. You all enjoyed eating breakfast, Mary was the only one really making conversation. You noticed that most of the time that it was kind of hard to engage in conversation over time. You began helping Mary with laundry and Anna at the tavern. You hung up Mr. Bakers' coat inside by the fire. As you do so Mr. Baker comes around the corner. A soft oh leaves his lips. "Oh, Mr. Baker, I um, I brought your coat in so it wouldn't get damp."

"Oh, thank you Miss [y/l/n]."

You bring the coat over to him. You place it in his arms when you notice a stain on his shirt. You say as much and go to grab a rag, "Well, as long as the jacket stays on, no one will be the wiser", he says. You wet it with your tongue and go to clean it. "Just hold still for me."

"Miss [y/l/n], you really don't have to---"

"Oh hush, I spend all my time doing laundry and other such things. This is no big deal. I find, I like it." You pause, almost slowing in cleaning. You could almost feel his skin under the shirt. His warmth. "There we are. No stains." You smile. You walk to the sink to clean the rag. "Thank you." He mumbles. You turn around to face him but he was already gone. Your face was pink. What would you have said after he thanked you anyways? Come see me when you have another stain on your shirt? Besides, he lives here too, you will see him again. Oh but how would you react? It was getting harder and harder to hide the fact that you thought him cute, attractive, he made you all warm and fuzzy inside, hot on the outside. This was confusing but you almost new what it meant. You really, really liked him.

After working in the tavern Anna invited you to her place for a drink, she then see's something and leads you to the barn where Caleb is. You are then informed that Abe is a spy, Anna the signal, and Caleb the whale boat courier. You decide to help Anna and Caleb come up with a plan for Caleb to leave Setauket. Caleb made a show of his leaving, little did you know Mr. Baker was watching the port, those boats. 

You were washing the dishes when Mr. Baker walked in. "Mr. Baker."

He said not a word, his back away from you. "Are you alright?"

"I am fine ma'am." he sounded in pain. "You clearly are not." He turns slightly and you see red on his shirt. "Turn around." you grab his arm and look behind him. "What happened?"

"I was looking the wrong way." he mumbled, he sounded disappointed in himself.

"All that for one rebel? Sit. Let me tend to you."

"It is quite fine, I will be okay."

"No, I am sorry Mr. Baker, but no. It can get infected and I won't be able to sleep. Just lift the back of your shirt." You run to get rags, water, and other items like Calendula, an herb that can heal wounds fast. You return. His shirt removed, his wounded whipped face facing you. You grab a chair and sit across from his back. You get one of the rags, you pat on his wounds gently, you can tell it hurt him a bit and that he curled his lip and/or bit it. "I am so sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. It is not your fault."

But it was your fault, at least you felt it was. "It is not yours either." You finished patting his back getting as much of the blood as you could. You then get a clean rag and dip it in water to clean up the last of the blood on his back. He groans in pain. "I keep hurting you. This will be over soon" That last sentence was almost for yourself. You hated that he was in pain, that he was hurting. It pained you to see him like this. You almost wanted to cry. You might. You can feel that familiar ball in your throat, just about to cry. You then cleaned his cuts and put in the ground up Calendula mixed with water and rubbed it onto his wounds and bandaged him up. "There we are. All done." You got up and took the rags with you to the kitchen. "Thank you Miss [y/l/n]." He looked almost embarrassed, flush in the face. He then began on his way to his room and then you to your own. You lay in bed looking at the ceiling, one hand on your chest, so many things running in your head.

Turn: Washington's Spies: HamiltonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang