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Before Erica could even tell me her secret I said, " I have something I need to tell...." she cut me off and said, "No mine is more important than yours. Listen Im not who you think I am. I'm not that little nerdy girl you met at school one day. My name is Rosetta Fox and as of today your the only person I've trusted, because I feel something special in you. I'm not really a human. Well I am but I'm a special one." She held out her hand and instantly a lily flower rose into her hand. I almost passed out right then right their. "Wait your telling me your like me?" Now Rosetta looked at me with her minty eyes as I held out my hand and a bright orange and red flame appeared in my hand. Rosetta looked at me and I looked straight into her eyes we were nothing like anyone, and I had just found a missing super girl and made a true best, friend.

After Erica's big secret the nurse took me back to my room. I forgot how much pain I was in and thought about how I was going to get Erica now Rosetta to go with me back. I had a doctor visit me and say everything that was going to be needed to make me the girl I was. I had a broken leg and elbow. My face was scratched up but it would not leave any marks. I had, luckly, no broken ribs or anything, and I also had a messed up knee, only because I was wedged under the bed at a certain way. Rosetta was about the same but instead of an elbow it was a shoulder. I was fine with what he said, but I would not be able to walk for a little. I was taken and the cast for my foot and knee were put on. Then my elbow was put in a brace thing and I was good to go. I had something done to get my lungs healed from the smoke and that was it. Rosetta and I were moved to a different spot in the hospital and were aloud to have visitors. My mom came in to talk to me first. "I got a call from SGWS they said they would be sending you back anytime in the next few hours. They also said if by the chance you heard or saw a girl who looked like a girl that had powers or whatever to hold on to their arm and bring them back." I thought that was really random but I nodded and said " Thanks, I'm sorry I probably caused you a lot of trouble." Before I could finish my hand was starting to go away I said my goodbyes and got a pair of crutches and basically hopped to Rosetta. I grabbed her arm and said. " Please come with me back to the place." Her mom was confused but understood. I thought she must of said something about it. She nodded and then we vanished in fine sight. We landed back in the main room of the SGWS headquarters. By the hope of the luck I wished we were healed. I fell over instantly because I couldn't stand and the same with Rosetta. Men came over and said, "You weren't supposed to go, but since you went and proved you weren't dangerous by yourself your going to stay here." They grabbed Rosetta but Rosetta said, "Here let me prove this to you now." she held out her hand and a pink lily showed up and they let go. Then they realized we couldn't get up so they brought wheelchairs and we waited for the rest. One by one they popped up all around. Some wearing fancy clothes and some not. The best was Ice's she was in pink overalls and a straw hat. I started to laugh and then she shot a ice crystal at my feet and I stopped. Everyone rushed over to me really before they saw Rosetta. Over the intercom was said, "Welcome our new member Rosetta Fox of Flower." Then they all looked at her. We were messed up girls. I finally broke the silence and said, "Can I have a make over please." Everyone bursted out laughing even Ice. They took us to Winter's room because she wore the most make up ever! They fixed us up the way we were at the beginning, well before the house fell. Someone asked to hear the story and I did. Every time something intense happened the girls would go "Ahhh" or "Eekk". I also told the story of life before that. That caused a chain reaction to everyone. I think the most exciting, happiest, one was in Forest's family. Her mom had a baby and named it Heather after Forest. (Heather is her real name.) After we all sat down a lady walked in and said, "Welcome back the building has been repaired and the monsters went away and everything's good. Except for Water of course. We are not really sure where she went but she was not let out properly like somehow fire was." everyone looked at me the continued to listen. " We believe she was either taken or got away. She was not with her designated family so we couldn't send her back." I thought of where she could of gone. Mom, no she moved. Then I though Gray. Gray was Scarlett's secret boyfriend and when we had disappeared he was one of the only people to look for us. Gray lived in Kentucky so she would have never made it there. I excused my self and took Rosetta with me. I called Grays number which was in my desk under a stack if sticky notes, so I knew that's where she went. He picked up and said, "Hello?"
" Hi, this is Amber and I wanted to know if my sister um there."
" Yea, she's here. I'm not really sure how but she just showed up on my door."
" Tell here she's coming home."
I heard mumbling and the phone went dead. I told the man her address and I knew Scarlett would be here soon

Hey guys thanks to all of u who read this. I've been writing this story over time and now actually I'm writing it. If you have gotten this far I want you to know the first few chapters are REALLY bad. I was really eager and wanted to start I'm sorry.
Do u want me to add someone special again to the story? Suggestions are taken!?

Fire and WaterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang