"Come on, you need to go to the healers" Obiwan said watching as she dig her nails into her shoulders again.

"No I don't" she huffed before putting her head on the table and gritting her teeth.

"Valda, love come on. You're in pain" he said sitting beside her.

"I'm fine"she hissed through gritted teeth.

"When was the last time you washed your hair?" He asked looking at the top of her head and seeing it layered in grease.

"Yesterday" she lied.

"Bullshit. You're slipping again aren't you?" He asked before seeing her nod slightly "look, the healers will help you."

"They just patronize me and faff about, I hate it in the medical ward" she hissed again.

"Okay, well I'll go get the bacta stuff and we will clean your scars here, sound good?" He asked.

"I know I'm not getting out off this" she huffed.

"Exactly. Go get a shower or something, then when I come back you tell me which ones itch or hurt okay?" He asked earning a nod.

Going into the bathroom, Valda shut the door and began running herself a bath.

Opening a cabinet she took out soaps and other thing before swishing her hand around in the warm water and feeling goosebumps run over her body.

Taking her clothes of she folded them and placed them neatly by the door before getting into the bath and shutting the water off.

Sitting in the white tub she kept her back to the door while bringing her knees up to her chest and shutting her eyes as the warmth engulfed her body.

"Val?" Obiwan said knocking on the door "you alive?" He asked.

Using the force he focused on her and felt how calm she was for once.

It was strange.

She was always so tense or confused, but for once she was calm and some what relaxed.

"Say something?" She mumbled.

"You okay in there?" He asked earning a hum "just don't fall asleep okay?"

"Have you got the stuff?" She asked as she began to wash her hair.

"Yeah. Want me to wait here or in the shared quaters?" He asked.

"What? Dont stand right outside the door that's wierd. Just sit on my bed or summat" she shrugged washing her hair.

After she cleaned herself up she rubbed her face "the hell we gone do now?" She huffed thinking about the next bit.

"How did the healers do it before?" Obwian asked thinking the same thing.

"Sedated me. First time they touched me I knocked about three of them out" she chuckled nervously "in my dresser there should be some shorts and a baggy tunic, can you put them through the door please?" She asked cracking the door open.

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