Chapter 20

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Gordon looked at Chloe and he saw fear in her eyes. He slowly put the gun away from her sight. Devine was still standing with her hands placed behind her head.

When Gordon had put down his weapon, Devine led out a sigh of relief. She lowered her hands slowly.

"What's wrong?" she innocently asked.

"Where were you? Why was Chloe not in her room? Where did you take her to?" Gordon questioned.

Devine furrowed her eyebrows and sarcastically replied, "Excuse me, I'm a nurse. I have works to do."

"Weren't you supposed to be looking after your patient?" Veronica interfered. She was standing near Chloe.

"Yes, but, since we are low on workers today, I'm handling other things at the same time," Devine explained.

"But where did you bring Chloe?" Gordon repeated his question. He still had his gun in his hand.

"I brought her nowhere. I was outside helping a colleague. When I was returning, I saw her walking towards the backyard. I followed her and it seemed like she was sleepwalking." Devine explained in defense.

"Why didn't you bring her back to her room?" Gordon asked suspiciously.

"I woke her up and she was confused. She didn't know where she was. So we sat in the backyard and I talked to her. I allowed her to stay outside because I thought she might feel suffocated if I bring her inside again," Devine continued.

Gordon looked at Chloe. She was nodding her head. Her eyes were widely opened.

Gordon didn't know if he should believe Devine or not. Hence, he once wanted to confirm with Chloe.

"Is she telling the truth?" he asked.

Chloe nodded in agreement. Gordon bit his upper lip and turned to face Devine. "I'm sorry," he apologised.

Devine simply shrugged and said, "Chloe needs to rest. I'll take her back to her room."

She then walked nearer to Chloe and grabbed her arm to lead her to the room. Gordon watched them walking away.

"For some reason, I feel something is not normal with this woman," Gordon said in a low voice.

"You mean Devine?" Veronica asked.

Gordon nodded.

"Let it be now. She does look a bit strange, but, since Chloe herself confirmed that she was telling the truth, we have nothing to fear," Veronica calmly explained to Gordon.

Gordon agreed with her and decided to ignore the weird feeling he had against Devine.

In the meantime, the elevator again opened and this time, the doctor walked out of it with a few papers in his hands.

He noticed Gordon and Veronica who were still standing in front of the elevator.

"I got the address," he announced.

"Nevermind doc, they are back," Gordon informed.

The doctor stood there and simply  watched them. "They are back?" he asked.

"Yes, Devine said that she saw Chloe sleepwalking in the backyard and they were sitting there the whole time," Veronica explained.

The doctor raised his eyebrow and said, "Well, that's very unprofessional. Devine usually informs me whenever something like this happened with any patient."

"It's okay. The point was to find Chloe and we found her. Let's not drag the issue," Veronica added.

"You're right," the doctor approved and continued, "I'll probably conduct a small check-up on Chloe," the doctor said.

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