Chapter 27

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The fire was starting to reach nearer to Gordon and Drew. They did not give up. They continued to struggle to untie themselves. However, the ropes were still very tight. Drew started to cough continuously. Gordon was frustrated. He used all of his strength and tried to move his hands and feet. While doing so, the chair moved.

He instantly got an idea. "Drew, try to move your chair, he said.

"But, there is fire all around us," Drew fearfully replied.

"We will have to pass through it and get out of the ring of flames. Otherwise we will burn," Gordon said.

He moved his chair with all the force he had and it was working. Drew tried to do the same, but, he was too weak. He was not able to move the chair at all.

"Try harder," Gordon said.

Chloe growled again. She was still standing on the bed and she watched them struggling. She was like an animal. Just standing there and watching the scene.

Gordon did not pay attention to her and he continued his struggle. The fire was close to his feet. He could feel the intense heat.

"Oh my God!"

Suddenly, they heard a female voice. They turned around and saw Alicia, Miguel and Veronica running down the stairs.

Miguel ran towards them, but the fire was too intense. While Alicia and Veronica walked downstairs, they saw Chloe standing on the bed.

Alicia ran towards her and doing so, her cloth caught fire. However, she did not care at all. She did not even realise that her cloth was on fire. Miguel noticed the fire and he quickly tapped her dress to extinguish the fire.

"Get back!" he exclaimed.

He looked all around the room to see if he can find water anywhere. The middle of the room had caught fire and it was impossible to reach to the other corners of the room. Moreover, he could not find anything that could help to put out the fire. At the back of the room, he noticed a pen holder on one of the shelves. There was a knife in the pen holder. The fire was growing more intense and it had already reached the legs of Gordon and Drew. Drew was coughing endlessly.

He took a few steps back and warned Alicia, "Stay right here. Do not come forward."

Soon after he talked, he jumped and rushed to that shelf. He quickly grasped the knife and then without thinking twice, he courageously jumped into the ring of the fire. Thankfully  the fire had touched neither Gordon nor Drew. He quickly cut the ropes around Gordon's hands and feet. After he freed Gordon, he went to save Drew. The latter was having difficulties to breathe. When they were both free, they noticed that the fire was too ferocious.

"We will have to jump," Miguel said.

"We have kerosene on our clothes," Gordon replied.

"We do not have a choice. We have to jump. Quick!" Miguel exclaimed.

Gordon nodded. However, Drew was not feeling alright. He was having a lot of issues with the excessive carbon dioxide. He kept on coughing. Miguel noticed that he was in a bad condition, hence, he lifted Drew and placed his hand around his shoulders. He then looked at Gordon and said, "let's go."

Gordon nodded and they mustered up their courage to jump out of the ring of fire. They were successful. They were able to jump out of the fire, but, the shirts of both Drew and Gordon had caught fire. Alicia screamed with terror.  Veronica and her rushed towards them and they started to tap away the fire. However, it was not turning off. Miguel put back Drew on the floor and started to remove his shirt. He threw his shirt on the ground and stepped on it. Gordon did the same too. He jumped on his shirt and thankfully, the fire went out.

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