Chapter 16

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Gordon stood in front of a door. To his right, there was a small machine on which there were numbered buttons. It resembled just like the buttons at an atm machine. Gordon pressed random buttons and the door opened. The room was different. It looked more like a computer laboratory. There were different sorts of machines and different sizes of computer screens.

 There were different sorts of machines and different sizes of computer screens

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Gordon entered the area and the door closed behind him. Cameras were installed all around the room. He walked straight to a desk where Adrian was working. He stood next to him and placed his hands on the desk. There was a screen in front of him and he couldn't understand what was written on it.

"So?" he asked.

Adrian was typing something. He gave no response and continued typing. Gordon sat on a chair that was behind him and watched him work with patience.

After a few minutes, Adrian stopped typing and leaned his back against the chair. He then turned his head to face Gordon who was already staring at him.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "There were seven fingerprints on the body and only six have been matched." He then gave Gordon a victorious smile.

Gordon smiled back and replied, "This means we are on the right track."

Adrian nodded.

"How can we identify the unknown fingerprint?" Gordon asked.

"It is difficult to tell. Unless you know a suspect whose fingerprint can be used to match with the unknown one," Adrian explained.

"We found no suspect yet," Gordon replied as his forehead ceased.

They were then quiet for a few moments. Suddenly, Gordon hit the desk with his hand. "We have a clue, yet, we are back to square one," he vented out with frustration.

Adrian looked at him. He was shocked when Gordon punched the table. "There must be a way to catch him," Adiran tried to encourage him.

Gordon placed his elbow on the table and massaged his forehead. "We are setting a trap tonight. Let's hope it works," he said.


Drew sat in his car and stared in the rearview mirror. Through it, he observed the fat, brown book that he placed on the back seat. He then opened the glove compartment and took out a picture. The picture was old and there were three persons in it. A man, a woman and a young girl. The man had brown hair and he was fair. He was taller than the woman, who in turn had blonde hair and a white complexion. The girl was smiling widely, showing all her teeth. Her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail. They looked like a happy family in the picture. Drew smiled as he watched the picture with glowing eyes.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He picked up the call.

"We have already started to install the cameras," the person who called said.

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