Chapter 25

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Devine crossed her arms as she fixed her eyes at Gordon.

"Not anymore," he replied.

"I must admit, you really are a smart police inspector," she said as she smirked.

"What's happening?" Drew asked. He was still blindfolded. He was not understanding anything that was happening and as he talked, he caught the attention of Devine.

Devine looked at Drew and smirked again. She then turned to Gordon, "You're smart, but, not brave enough to come and get me alone. You had to bring another officer," she spoke as she got closer to Gordon.

She bent to face him and said, "I'm disappointed." She then stood back and continued watching him.

Gordon was frustrated. He really wanted to be free at that moment to show Devine how brave and dangerous he was, but, alas, he was tied up. He tried to loosen the ropes binding his hands with the hands of the chair. However, it was too tight.

Devine's lips curved into a smile. She shook her head as she watched the desperation of Gordon to release himself.

"Let's see who you brought with you," she said as she turned to Drew.

"Isn't he too old?" she pointed out.

Drew was quiet. He sat still. Devine reached nearer to him and slowly, she grabbed the black blindfold which covered Drew's eyes with her fingers. She slowly lifted it up. She bent enough so that her face was just in front of the one of Drew. She still had a smirk on her face. However, as she lifted the blindfold, her smile faded. Their faces were in front of each other. Devine watched Drew and her facial expression changed. Her pupils dilated and her lips parted.

Drew, in turn, could not moved his gaze away from Devine's eye. He was astonished. Goosebumps formed over his body and he felt a chill pulsating down his spine. He recognised that face. At first he thought that his eyes were deceiving him. However, those unique eyes and that blonde hair looked familiar to him. His heart raced as he slowly opened his mouth and he muttered with surprise, "Devine?"

Still face to face, Devine's eyes glowed. She felt a heaviness in her stomach when she heard Drew saying her name. She felt an emotional rush down her body. With her eyes widely opened, she stared at him and answered,"Dad?"

Gordon was left astounded. He watched them with confusion. His mind was already filled with questions and now he had more to ask. "Why is she referring to Drew as dad?"

The atmosphere became tensed. Drew's eyes started to water. "My child," he whispered.

Devine placed her hand on Drew's cheek. She felt his face. He was real. He was there in front of her. Her eyes became red. She felt a gust of emotion.

"Dad!" She faintly exclaimed as she hugged Drew. The latter could not hold on anymore. Tears rolled down his cheeks as she felt the arms of his daughter wrapping around his shoulders.

Gordon was not understanding a thing. He always knew that Drew lived alone and he had no one and now, suddenly the woman they were going to arrest turned out to be his daughter. There were too many questions in his head.

Devine did not care about anything at that moment. She hugged her father as she sobbed. Drew had tears flowing from his eyes too.

Suddenly, Devine unwrapped her arms around him. She had stopped sobbing. She stood straight and looked at Drew with seriousness on her face. Drew watched her, still with a saddened face.

Devine inhaled deeply. Her eyebrows furrowed. She asked, "Why did you abandon me?"

Gordon looked at Drew immediately. He was not expecting such a situation to arise.

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