Chapter 24

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With the help of a GPS, Gordon was able to reach his destination in less than twenty minutes. He had already reached the road which was mentioned in the address. Now, he had to find the house. He drove slowly as he read the house numbers. He had to search for house number twenty two. However, as he drove along the street, he noticed that the house numbers were not in order. He came across house number thirteen and then number seven.

He would ask someone, but, the streets were empty. There was not a single soul wandering outside. He kept on driving deeper into the road among the disorderly numbered houses. He was really confused. He saw a small shop in front. He stopped by the shop and walked inside. It was evacuated. There was only one man who was the shopkeeper. He looked quite old.

Gordon approached him and asked, "Do you know where exactly house number twenty two is?"

The man replied with a grumpy voice, "I don't know exactly, but, it must be somewhere along the street."

"I literally drove everywhere, but, I couldn't find it," Gordon replied.

"Have you checked the alley road?" the man asked.

"An alley?" Gordon raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, keep driving straight and nearly at the end of the street, you'll see an alley at your right. Maybe you will find the house there. You cannot go there by car however. It is too narrow," the man explained.

"Okay, thanks a lot for helping!" Gordon gratefully replied and then walked out of the shop.

He did as the shopkeeper had instructed. He jumped into his jeep and drove straight down the street. As he drove towards the end, he kept on checking at his right to look for the alley road and he saw it.

He stopped his jeep just behind another car. He instantly recognised that car. It was Drew's. Before, he jumped out of his jeep, he armed himself. He didn't want to take a risk. He then got out and locked his vehicle. He walked towards Drew's car. However, he was not there. Gordon looked through the car window, but, Drew was not inside. He took out his phone and gave him a call.

Thankfully, Drew immediately picked up.

"Where are you?" Gordon asked immediately.

"I reached the house. Where are you?" Drew asked back.

"I'm near your car," Gordon replied.

"Walk down the alley road. The house number twenty two is at the end of the street," Drew explained.

"Okay, I'm coming," Gordon said as he started to head into the alleyway. "Wait for me outside," he instructed.

He then cut the phone call. The alley was dark. He was going to switch on his flashlight, but, he didn't so that no one would notice him. He made his way directly to the end. He noticed that there were only around six houses and as he passed by them, he searched for their numbers.

A small distance further, Gordon noticed a silhouette in front of a house. Because it was too dark, he couldn't see clearly who it was. He started to walk closer to it, thinking that it was Drew who had found the house and was waiting for him there.

As he walked closer, he noticed something abnormal. The silhouette looked like the one of a woman. He got closer and he realised that it was definitely not Drew. It was a woman. Gordon became alert. He thought that it could be Devine. He slowed down. He slowly reached for his belt and eventually he started to reach for his firearm. However, before he could even touch his weapon, the silhouette that was now not too far from him, ran towards him with a high speed. It all happened in the fraction of a second. Gordon didn't even got the time to blink his eyes. The silhouette sprinted towards him and before he could do anything to defend himself, he felt something hard hitting his head. He felt an intense pain and his vision started to become blurry. Soon after, everything went black.

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