Chapter 10

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Back inside the station, Gordon offered a glass of water to Alicia. The latter took a sip and cleared her throat. She remained quiet since Miguel and Chloe left.

"If you want, you can go to the hospital and stay with you daughter," Gordon suggested.

Alicia took a deep breath and replied, "I really want to be with her, but, what I want more is to find the person responsible behind this malfeasance."

"Even I want to catch the culprit, but it is not an easy task," Gordon said.

"Indeed, the way he planned it was so clever," Veronica agreed.

Meanwhile, Drew was back into the building. He walked towards the desk of Gordon where he was sitting and said, "I have raised awareness to other headquarters and the officers have already started the operation."

"Good, keep me updated," Gordon replied and then he massaged his temples with his fingers.

Drew nodded and then asked, "Is there anything else I can help with?"

"Yes, I need some details on the previous case, that is, the one where the dead body of Veronica's baby was stolen, but, before that, can you drop these ladies home?" Gordon talked at one go.

Before Drew replied, Alicia instantly intervened, "I won't go anywhere."

Gordon looked at her with confusion.

"You need rest," he said.

Alicia furrowed her eyebrows and stared at Gordon. "Do you think I will be able to rest right now?" she asked.

"What do you want then? It's already night time. Go home, I will let you know if I find any information," Gordon explained.

"He is right Alicia," Veronica said as she placed her hand on Alicia's shoulder. She then continued, "I think we should let the police do their work and not disturb them. Let's be patient."

Alicia faced Veronica and in a serious tone, she said, "You were patient too, but, did the police find your baby?"

Veronica compressed her lips and bowed down. She removed her hand from Alicia's shoulder slowly. She didn't lift her gaze up. Gordon felt ashamed. He was equally affected by what Alicia said. Inside of his head, he wished he was working in the same station when this incident occurred with Veronica. He would give his best to find the responsible person. However, it was not late. He got the opportunity to catch him and he swore he would not let him escape this time.

"This time, I'm the one leading the investigation and I will do my best," Gordon said with dedication.

Alicia didn't give any response. She knew that she had messed up with Veronica's feelings and she felt bad.

In a low tone, she said, "Fine, but, I won't go home. I will go to see Chloe in the hospital."

Gordon nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll accompany you too."

He stood up and took his keys. He looked at Drew and instructed, "Let me know if any information has been found."

Drew nodded and went back to sit at his desk. Both Veronica and Alicia got up from their seat and started to walk towards the door, following Gordon.

While walking towards the door, Alicia tried to apologise to Veronica.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldnt have talked to you that way. You're elder than me and I should've respected you," Alicia said, holding her breath.

"Whatever you said was right. If I had put more efforts, maybe the person who had stolen my baby would have been caught and all of this wouldn't be happening to you," Veronica explained.

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