This Is Love - Part 2

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Amongst the struggles of trying to find myself in a world that only pushed me away, I feel as though I have finally found my place.

A man whose touch was so gentle that it made me want to be wrapped in his arms forever. His best friends who accepted me into their lives, treating me as if I were apart of their family. My life was finally on track, something worth living, worth getting up in the morning for. No more wasted nights drinking my life away only to end up in a strangers bed.

I had found my place in this messed up world, and I wouldn't change it for anything, that I can promise.

"Are you sure I can be here Namjoon? What if you get in trouble? I wouldn't want to ruin your photoshoot"

"Y/n, you worry too much. You are allowed to be here, no one is going to get mad at you"

I grip Namjoon's hand tightly as we walk through the crowded room. Clothes, make up, bright white lights and staff upon staff upon staff. It was chaotic yet organised, a situation I hadn't found myself in before. I guess I tend to forget that Namjoon is apart of the words biggest kpop group. His glamorous life in which millions of people adore him, yet amongst those many admirers, he choose me. 

"Ah! Namjoon you are finally here" a woman's voice I do not recognise is herd in my left ear. Before I knew it, Namjoon had been ripped away from me, my anxiety only growing. "Quickly, we have to get you ready" she says pulling him towards the make up room I presume. His eyes straining as he keeps eye contact with me.

"Y/n I'll be back in a second. Just stay right there" Namjoon states, his voice fading.

Ah, this is awkward. I feel so out of place that my stomach keeps dropping. In hopes of feeling less awkward, I make my way towards the snacks, trying my best to not bump into anyone as people race around me. 

I look down upon all the different assortments of foods. Chocolates, cakes, chips, fruit, there was everything. Suddenly I felt my cheeks glow as I reached for the strawberry slice that seemed to be staring me down, asking to be eaten and consumed.

"Y/n?" Mid bite, another voice echos in my ear. I look up hesitantly, food within my mouth, my eyes looking as though I have murdered someone.

"Jungkook... Jungkook!!" I say probably a little too loudly as he walks to towards me, pulling my arms into a tight hug.

"How have you been??" I ask. "Where are the others?" It had been a little bit of time since I have last seen the boys. All of them have been so busy preparing for their next comeback, so we don't get as much time together to hang out anymore, plus I've also been trying to get my career on track.

"We've been good" he exclaims, his bright smile accentuated by the light makeup that had been applied to his face.

"You've grown out your hair!" I exclaim. "You could probably put it into a ponytail if you wanted" I say with too much excitement.

"The others should be here in a minute I think and I'm glad you like my hair. I think I prefer it longer" He smiles, his shy like expression causes my heart to feel warm. "Ah, look there's the others" Jungkook points to my right and there stands Yoongi, Hobi, Tae, Jimin and Jin.

"Y/n!!!!" Jimin exclaims, running into my arms.

"We missed you! How are your injuries doing?" Yoongi asks.

"I've been doing really good" I explain.

"I would hope so, you keep stealing Namjoon off us"

"Yeah, you too must really be in love" the boys giggle in such a childlike way.

"Ah, ignore both Hobi and Tae. They are just jealous" Jin exclaims, pushing the two boys out of the way.

I give Jin a smile and then unexpectedly embrace him tightly. Who would've thought we'd become such close friends after having such a rocky beginning. I squeeze his torso tightly and at first Jin doesn't react, but after a few seconds, he hugs me back.

"Hey, where's our hugs?" Hobi asks pouting.

"Ha! Imagine not getting a hug from y/n" Jimin says teasing, his mischievous eyes only up to no good.

Before anyone could say anything, I grab the six boys, pulling them into a group hug. The staff around us all stare strangely, yet I'm too emotional to care.

"Y/n.." Yoongi says softly.

There eyes all turn low, yet they all hug back. The warmth of their bodies warm up my seemingly cool one.

"I love you all so much" I say holding back tears, my voice breaking slightly.

"Aw y/n don't get all emotional on us now" Tae says, his low voice echoing into my ear.

"Yeah, you'll make us cry and we can't have that" Jimin states, his voice cracking.

"We can't ruin our makeup, otherwise the artists will yell at us" Jungkook says further, causing all of us to begin laughing, so I use this opportunity to wipe my eyes.

I truly am so lucky.

"Okay okay, just have a group hug without me" Namjoon says appearing seemingly out of no where.

Before he could say anything further, I run into his arms and kiss him so passionately, as if there were no one else in the room, as if we were the only ones in the world.

As I pull away, his hands rest on my hips, the two of us looking into each others eyes. 

"What was that for? Miss me already?" He says, his smile only causing mine to grow.

I muffle into his chest "yes" not wanting to let go of his body, but eventually I do.

"Were you all crying? What did I miss?" He exclaims further as he takes a closer look at the boys.

"Nothing, nothing. There must be something in the air" Tae says, wiping his eyes.

Suddenly a loud voice is heard over the speakers. "Can all of Bts please come to the first stage to begin taking the photos"

"Guess that is our cue" Jin states.

"Such fancy equipment" I say as we begin to walk to the stage.

"You aren't wrong" Namjoon states. "We have begun working with this new company that produces our photos, they are well known across the country I believe"

"Oh really? What's the name??"

"Um, multimedia entertainment, or something along those lines I think. I'm not 100% sure" Namjoon says further.

"And the Director is a hard ass as well. We had a meeting with her the other day" Jimin says.

"Yeah, she had the same last name as you y/n" Jungkook then butts in as well, and suddenly it had begun to click.

"Wait, was the director a w-woman?" I ask hesitantly.

Jungkook nods his head innocently.

Suddenly I look at Namjoon with fear in my eyes. It couldn't be her, right???

We reach the stage and staff are everywhere.

Then suddenly a loud, frightening voice piercing my ears could be heard. A voice that had been imprinted into my brain yet something I had wanted to forget.

"Y/n.... Is that you?"

I looked at Namjoon who could sense the fear in my heart, 

and then Yoongi, 





and finally Jungkook before turning my body around completely. 

I knew that voice, I knew that voice. God I wish I didn't know that voice.



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