This Is Love - Part 1

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~6 Months Later~

A cast of warm sunlight tickled the skin on my face. My lips were buzzing, but my eyes were soft as they struggled to stay open. To my right, a body laid beside me, warm and still.

"Namjoon..." I whispered, my voice still croaky. "Namjoonnnn"

His eyes slowly opened, a loud groan escaping his mouth. "Morning Baby" His raspy voice whispered sending a wave of shivers across my back and I felt the heat grow in my face.

The tip of his nose gently touched mine, the warmth of his hands slowly travelling up the crevasses of my hips and the sides of my torso, pulling me closer.

As I looked down upon his bare chest, I fluttered my eyelashes and ran my fingers across the scars that once were cuts and bruises. I sharp breath left my mouth before it slowly placed itself down upon his skin, slowly but surely I made sure to not miss any spots.

"What are you doing?" His voice hitched.

"Kissing you" I giggled, pulling myself up, shifting the sheets.

As I laid back down, my body interlocked with his, and I felt myself melt and mould into his chest that was now slower and paced.

"How are you feeling? Is the album going okay? You've been looking stressed lately" I ask softly.

"It's going as well as it can be. We are having the shoot tomorrow for the concept photos. I'm not going to lie, it has been difficult. I won't get to see you very often anymore either" he spoke with a sigh and I felt his body tense.

"You're doing amazing. Just, look after yourself please" I smile slightly and I feel his arms relax once more.

"What about you? You have your meeting with the publisher soon about your book. Are you nervous?"

I nod my head as my stomach curls and I feel my heartbeat in my arms. I was anxious, afraid and extremely nervous. So much so, I forgot to respond to Namjoon.

"Hey, you'll be fine. Everything will turn out okay" He reassures me and kisses my forehead softly. I nod my head and bury my head into his chest.

"Ah, I hope so" I muffle.

"It will" he says once more. "How about we take your mind off the stress and go for a bike ride again?"

"Really?! Don't you have work to do today though??"

"Well, I do but, I'm sure one day won't hurt" He smiles pulling me from the sheets, throwing my body over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing. I laughed and giggled whilst I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. So much has changed during the past six months. Our relationship has only grown stronger and it will on continue to strengthen. Since then, I moved in with Namjoon and we have our own apartment together, I couldn't be any happier. Since that day, I thought we were going to die and it was going to be my fault, but I haven't seen Shaw since the incident and Namjoon, he's alive and healthy.

I was happy, truly happy and free from the guilt that once consumed me and my every being of trying to move on.

Namjoon and I, this is what it meant to be in love. I had found my soulmate.


I  felt the wind pull my hair, the sun was warm and gentle across my skin as Namjoon and I rode our bikes along the Han river.

The grass was a bright shade of green and the water, I've never seen it so blue before. Although it was a beautiful day, Namjoon's smile shone brighter than the sun ever could.

"How do you feel?" Namjoon asks, as the two of us place ourselves down, the moisture of the grass dampening my clothes.

"I feel infinite" I giggle wrapping my arms around him, pulling his neck in close so I can peck him on the lips.

"Why don't you come into the studio tomorrow whilst we get our photos taken. I think it could be fun, only if you want to though". He asks, whilst I stare off into the horizon.

"Is this because you don't want to be away from me?" I jokingly state, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe.." he answer.

"I'm teasing, I'd love to come. I'll get to see you model"

"Ah, that's a little embarrassing"

"Why? You're so handsome" I retort in an exhortation tone.

"Not as beautiful as you though" he answers, lowering his eyes and kissing me slowly. The grip of his hand tightening around the back of my neck.

I blush a little as he pulls away, and I cover my face with my hands to hide the redness of my skin.

"Don't cover your face" he demands whilst picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder again like he had done this morning. This is becoming a repeated action, I can't say I'm too mad about it though.

"Namjoon put me down" I cry with laughter as he jumps up and down.

"Not until you say you're beautiful" he says, his grip not loosening.

"Okay, okay fine. I'm beautiful" I manage to say, my laughter easing.

"I can't hear you" his voice deepening as he jumps up and down, up and down as if the world was ours. 

"I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful" I yell. As I finish my sentence he maneuvers my body so my face is level with his, our eyes level and still. 

"Now that's what I like to hear" he kisses me gently once more, the smile across my face refusing to fade. "Come on let's go home"

~Authors Notes~
I know this is really, really late and I'm sorry. I've been doing my trial exams at school so I haven't been able to write much lately. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though :) 💜💜💜

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