Unlikely Occurrences

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As I lay on my bed, I stare blankly at the ceiling. My wet hair is seeping through the pillowcase making the back of my neck cold yet I'm too inattentive to care. I may look to be out of it, yet my mind is going a million miles per hour. I can't seem to think straight yet my thoughts keep evolving around one thing. My Night with Namjoon. As his face appears in my mind one more time I grab the damp pillow that rest under my head and I slam it onto my face, screaming as I do so. 

"How did this happen to me?" I muffle the words into my pillow, rolling from side to side. I reply each moment in my mind. Every word he spoke, every glance he gave me now are printed in my brain. I begin to bite my nails, but I don't think it's because of anxiety. My heart was racing when I was with him, I forgot who I was, It's a strange feeling really. Those eyes, when he looked at me, when he grabbed my arm I stopped breathing and -

"Gah! Stop Y/n! You are better than this" I try to snap out of it. I mustn't let my emotions get the best of me because in the end I'll only end up getting hurt. 

I open the door as silently as I could. It was a difficult task though, for some reason I couldn't stop smiling and it was making my hands shake. I try my best to close the latch without it making an echo throughout the dorm, waking the boys up isn't what I need. 

"So I guess you found what you were looking for?" 

I jump at the sound of the person voice, a quick breathe leaving my mouth as I do so. My heart had stopped for a second, but returns to its normal pace as I see that it is Yoongi still up and awake, sitting on the couch in the darkness with nothing but his phone illuminating his face.

"Don't scare me like that. I thought you weren't going to wait up for me?" I say somewhat sternly. 

"Well, I lied. Now are you going to tell me where you went or should I not bother and just go to bed?" 

"Just go to bed" I walk passed Yoongi. He doesn't look amused and honestly, I don't blame him, however, I want to keep Y/n a secret. The others don't have to know about her I guess, I mean there's nothing to tell. 

As the sun rises I find myself staring at the food in front of me, smiling like a fool. I can't get Y/n's face out of my mind and it's driving me insane. 

"Namjoon" Jimin calls yet he get's no response."Namjoon Hyung!" Still no response.

"Namjoon we are trying to talk to you" Jin taps my shoulder, startling me, yet he has seemed to have awoken me from my daze. 

"Why are you so out of it lately? You were like this the other day. What's going on?" Jimin whines.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about something" I really don't want them to find out. I must keep Y/n a secret otherwise they will probably be concerned or just annoy me about the situation. 

Yoongi laughs quietly leaving the boys confused, silence, then filling the room. 

"What's funny Yoongi?" Tae asks confused. 

"He told me he went out to find something pretty last night" Yoongi says. It makes me feel nervous, I should've been quieter last night otherwise he wouldn't have heard me. 

"Is that true? Why did you go out last night? What were you going to find?" Jungkook asks, as his interest has been peaked by Yoongi's comment. 

"I bet it's a girl" Jimin says laughing. I can tell that he's joking yet it leaves me frustrated because he's not wrong.

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