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"That's the girl you wanted us to meet?" Jin asks raising an eyebrow. 

All seven men stand over the lifeless girl as she sleeps on Namjoon's bed, all in which have no idea what to say or do. Visible knots have formed in her once straight and long hair so much so it looks as though rope has been tied around her body. The makeup she once wore is smeared down her face as if she just came out of a horror movie. Anddd her clothes... the shirt has been cut just a fraction too deep and the skirt was far too short. Needless to say Jungkook's face was a bright shade of pink as he covered his eyes at the sight of it.  

It was clear Jin wasn't convinced of this girl and that she truly wasn't the person Namjoon had described a mere couple hours earlier.   

"Namjoon are you sure you weren't speaking about someone else? I mean she looks to be a mess" Jin continues to speak. 

"Don't say horrible stuff like that!" Namjoon snaps, but quickly, his voice softens as he looks back at her. "She just.. I don't know. I did say she had a few thing's going on in her mind. I'll talk to her when she wakes up" 

"Namjoon hyung, do you think she will be okay?" Jimin asks, his eyes shifting to both Tae and Yoongi who stand next to him, equally concerned. 

"I hope so, but even if she's not I'll look after her. I can promise that for sure" Namjoon says it with much determination in his voice to hide the fact that in reality he had no idea what he was going to do. 

"I'm sure it will be fine, I mean, we all can help" Hoseok happily say's bringing much hope to Namjoon and the others.

"Thank you, but for now I think we should just leave her be. I'll stay with here though, I don't want her to be alone when she wakes up" My eyes don't leave Y/n once. Every time I was speaking about her I spoke so gently, like so much thought was going into the words I was saying. The others could sense how truly concerned I felt for her at this moment, so they did what I wished and they let us be.  

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask" Tae says quickly as he's the last to leave.

"I will, thank you Tae"  

As the door silently closes I move swiftly to sit next to the bed and watch over Y/n. Her chest rises slowly and falls with ease as she sleeps peacefully. Without much thought, I hold her hand that once rested by the side of her body. As I feel it I'm reminded of the moment I carried her back to the dorm. Her body was so cold, it was as if she was dead, it was terrifying, but then the unexpected happened, she kissed me...It was as if she was possessed but I wasn't upset about it.

I move my other hand and I touch my lips, a funny sensation move throughout my body and I can't help but smile. The fact that it happened still to this moment shocks me, ah, I'm acting like a twelve year old boy as I feel my face warm up. If the other members were here I'd be very embarrassed, but it's just the two of  us so I enable to let my emotions be what they wanted to be. 

A few hours pass and the sun begins to fight its way through the curtains, a new day is dawning. The entire time I had stayed sat next to Y/n, my eyes closing every few seconds, but then quickly reopening as I didn't want to sleep, not until she was awake and okay. 


I twist and turn my body as I let a few groans escape my mouth. My head was POUNDING, I indeed had encountered the worst hangover of my life. I tried my best to open my eyes but it feels as though they were stuck together, I must've not washed my face when I arrived home last night. So finally when I do manage to open them, much of what I can see is a blurred mess. As the world around me starts to become in focus I look to my left and it looks like Namjoon is there. I smile gently as I think I'm dreaming, I must be, I mean there's no way he's sitting next to me. Suddenly, as I continue to look he begins to move and opens his eyes, yawning as he does so, that's when it dawns on me, this isn't my room. 

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