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I move closer to his body and I gently press my hands around his face to make sure he's alive. As my cold breath leaves my mouth, I feel his skin, it's so soft and surprisingly, quite warm. It's weird to see this man up so close, girls around the world would kill to be in my very position so I shouldn't complain. 

It still doesn't change the fact that seeing him from this angle is strange, he's pretty up close, even more so that he's asleep. He must've been so exhausted to pass out in the street, I mean, even I've never done that before. 

"Namjoon.... Namjoon it's me Y/n. I need you to wake up" I say quietly only shaking his body enough to get a response. 

"Y/nnn..." He just about barley gets my name out, ah, this is going to be a difficult task. 

"Come on, let's get you up" I lift his shoulders up and thankfully he regains some consciousness to help me in doing so. Instantly as he stands on his two legs, his tall frame stands over my less tall body. However, this doesn't last long as he slumps his arms around my shoulders for support. Now one of my arms rests around his waist and the other is holding onto his arm so we don't lose balance and tumble over.  

At this very moment I have no clear plan and I have no intention to leave him out here in the streets because who would I be if I did that? I can't take him to his dorm because I have no idea where it is and it's not as if I can contact the rest of BTS. Taking him to the hospital or police station also doesn't sound like a good idea as it would cause unnecessary drama for the both of us, soooo my apartment is the next best thing I guess.

Not only is Namjoon tall, he is very heavy. Carrying him up the hill and then a flight of stairs to get into my apartment, I will admit was a very difficult and tiring task, but I got it done as I have experienced this before.  

I place him gently on my bed and instantly he falls right back into a deep sleep. I take his shoes off and swing his legs into the bed. I then proceed to tuck him in the blankets, tonight was a cold one, warmth is what he needs. 

After I finish tucking him in I sit at the end of the bed. My body now feels as though it's going to collapse, but I guess it was worth it. As I watch over him I feel like a mother that's just carried her sleeping son out of the car and put him into bed. It's funny seeing him like this, he's always so energetic and full of life on stage, I guess we tend to forget idols are human too. He must've been so exhausted, his life must be hard, not in a normal way though. He has so much other things to worry about that is so out of my own world that even if he did try to explain it to me I probably wouldn't understand.  

Once my thoughts have cleared I stand up from the bed and I walk into the other room making sure to be as quiet as I can. I lay on the couch as that is the only place I will be able to sleep due to my bed being occupied. Sadly, it isn't the most comfortable of places to sleep, but I guess tonight it will do.  As my breathing slows and my heart calms down my eyes close, thankfully it doesn't take much for me to fall back asleep as my hectic night has both my body and mind drained. 

I open my eyes and instantly I don't recognise my surroundings. I shot of concern rushes through my body. I am able to recognise that I'm in a girl's room but, how did I get here? The last thing I remember was I was in the street waiting for Y/n and... I fell asleep. I fell asleep?! 

I quietly but swiftly get out of the bed and I open the door to scan the room that awaits me. I silently move into the room, ready to fight against anyone who may come at me, but that's when I see the sleeping figure on the couch. It's Y/n? Is this her apartment? But how did I get here? Did she bring me here by herself? 

It's Love - Namjoon X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat