A Drink

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"Hello again stalker" I smile brightly. The poor man is probably so confused, but I can't help myself.  As I thought he doesn't say a word back, instead he just looks at me blankly, flustered even, it's very cute. 

Wow, she's... she's beautiful, I'm lost for words. Her long hair masking her face that matches well with her smile. She looks to be glowing, I don't know if it's my imagination or the street lamp behind us illuminating her figure. But why aren't I saying anything? She's right in front of me, I mean, wait..stalker? I'm not a stalker. 

"S-sorry, I, I wasn't following you I mean, um, sorry" Aish why can't I get my words out, It's like I'd  forgotten how to speak. To be expected, she laughs at my response.

I then find myself captive of her smile once more, it's a strange feeling, I don't fully understand it. I keep drifting from my mind and reality and it's causing me to look like an idiot. 

"Don't worry, I was only joking because I think I've seen you before. Were you here last night by chance?" While she speaks her head tilts back and forth. She's clearly intoxicated, thus the occurrence I've found myself in, not that I'm complaining though. 

"You are correct I was here last night, I was only walking through and happened to pass you by" My voice feels to be broken as each word is stuck in my throat.

"Oh really? That's fair I guess, but now I've seen your face I feel as though I've seen you somewhere else other than last night. What's your name?" As the words leave her mouth, she moves a bit closer and examines my face. Her hands are merely inches away, it's making my cheeks feel warm. Suddenly I realise the weight of her question, she's seen me before. Well of course she has, I'm plastered all over Tv screens as well as within stores across Korea. It scares me, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable if she were to know who I really was.  

"Tell me your's first" I simply reply. 

"Hmm a man has secrets then. Alright, my name is Y/n, nice to meet you" Y/n, such a pretty name. "Now please mister it's only common courtesy that you tell me yours"  She crosses her arms, it's only right that I tell her, plus lying wouldn't get me far, she'd only find out later. 

"I'm Kim Namjoon" Kim Namjoon, Kim Namjoon. Now why does that name sound so familiar. I swear I've heard it before. I think for a second as the handsome man stands in front of me. I think and think when I'm reminded of the conversion I had this morning with Su Ya and suddenly it clicks. Something inside me drops, as it does I instantly put both hands to my mouth as I'm in such shock. I have seen this man before, the entire world has. 

"Kim Namjoon as in the Kim Namjoon from BTS?" My voice now sounds shaky, I've never felt this way before. Why am I suddenly so nervous. With three simple words he now has so much power over me. 

He nods his head, once again, I jump back. I called him a stalker and acted so rudely by almost touching his face. What have you done Y/n? The man whose group changed the music industry is standing right in front of you and yet you only treated him as if he were like every other man you encounter each night. 

"Please just calm down, I'm nothing special. Just treat me like you would treat everyone else. I don't want to make things weird" He smiles at me as he says so, ah why is my heart thumping so much. It's because I'm nervous, right? I need to leave, this isn't right. 

"I'm-I'm sorry. I should probably go" I look away from him and I go to walk away. However, before I can get far he has grabbed onto my arm. His grip is so tight. It startled me so much that I stopped mid walk. I slowly turned my body around to face him once more. He stares right into my eyes and isn't looking away. The wind blows ever so slightly causing my hair to fly across my eyes. As I move it away, he speaks gently. 

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