Rain and Butterflies

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As I arrive home, the clouds finally give in and the rain begins to fall. Work was hard, it always is, yet I shouldn't complain. I'll get to where I want to be one day. 

It's not exactly late in the afternoon I guess, but I find myself wanting to do something that doesn't involve leaving the house.  After my encounter with Namjoon the day before, I feel as though I am closer to him, like if the world was falling apart I could still depend on him as if it were nothing. He made me feel safe and it was getting to the point that I was having trouble containing my feelings for him. As such, without any hesitation I reach for my phone. 


I was wondering if you wanted to come
over and watch a movie?  

I was thinking the same thing. I'll be over soon.

As time moves quickly I try my best to clean my apartment as much as possible. I felt panicked, like every detail just had to be perfect and nothing was to be in sight unless I wanted it to be.

In front of me prepared sits popcorn and other various snacks. To my left, a pile of blankets and pillows, to my right, my computer waiting to be plugged into my TV.  I quickly pace around my apartment as I come to realise I am a complete mess. The comfy clothes aesthetic was what I was going for when getting changed, however, upon looking in the mirror I look as though I haven't showered in days.  

Unfortunately, before much else can be done, a large knock can be heard from my door.  The sound vibrating through my ear was enough to alarm myself. After one last look in the mirror, I make my way to the door with hesitant ease as my body tenses. My hand hovers over the handle before finally twisting it and what I'm welcomed to was enough to have me stop breathing. 

Namjoon standing broad, wet hair, slightly pushed across his face revealing his forehead as he had brushed it back upon the door opening. The shirt in which  he wore was slightly damp revealing what hides underneath and that smile revealing the indents of his cheeks... ah, my heart... 

"Y/n?.... Is something wrong?" 

As his words break me from my trance, embarrassment was what I was left with.

"Oh, right, sorry... Come in, I'll get you a towel"  

As I approach Namjoon with a towel, I can't help but feel overwhelmed. This was the first time I had initiated any sort of 'meeting' with him I guess. Usually it was him always asking to do something, but this time it was on my own accord. 

"So, um, I have a list of movies to pick from. I'm happy for you to choose" I say, passing him the computer, the screen shaking as my hand fails to stay steady.

"You seem.. anxious Y/n. Is something wrong?" 

"Me? Noooo, I'm completely fine"  I am not fine. I was having trouble containing the thoughts my mind was producing and the way my heart was making my stomach feel. 

"Hm, alright" His suspicious eyes move away from me back to the screen. It was clear he wasn't having anything of what I was saying. "You look cute by the way. Those track suit pants suit you well, and I like how you've tied your hair" The words leave his mouth without his eyes leaving the screen, which in hindsight was great because... my face was now a bright shade of red. The butterflies that were once on stage 3 now felt as though they were on stage 10. I was internally freaking out, and it was taking my absolute everything to not show it. 

"Oh, thank you" My voice sounded high, extremely high. To be honest, I'm not even sure I was me anymore. 

"Let's watch The Lion King. I'm in the mood for a child's movie" 

"Okay, I'll set it up" While moving around the room, I was thinking very carefully about the way I did things. It was if I felt as though Namjoon was watching me the entire time, even though I know he probably wasn't. I couldn't help but feel that way though. 

I will say, while sitting next to him, under the same blanket as the temperature had dropped dramatically since the rain had begun, I have started to not focus on what was in front of me but what was next to me.  

My eyes kept shifting every few seconds, yes, I know it is strange but, honestly, I have no idea what was wrong with me. I was on some sort of high which gave me a burst of confidence, which caused me to lay my head on his shoulder. In doing so I moved closer to his body and the warmth between us grew. To my surprise, he didn't push me away, but instead moved his body further down in order to make it more comfortable for my neck. No words were spoken, we just continued to watch the movie. It made me happy though, I couldn't help but smile the whole time as I felt my cheeks go warm and the butterflies in my stomach becoming something I was used to. 

Time ticked on and I had emotionally warn myself out. Due to this I felt my eyes begin to close and the world become silent. In a matter of minutes I had fallen asleep on Namjoons shoulder, as the rain outside the window continued to fall, gently hitting the glass putting my mind at ease. 


Is she asleep? I think so. 

I turn my body slightly as I gently guide her onto my lap rather than letting her head continue to rest on my shoulder. As her chest rises and falls slowly and the sound of her breathes slightly louder than usual makes me forget about the world around me. Her features this close are unimaginable. I slightly trace my fingers around her face, moving the hair that sits on her forehead. Upon doing so I notice a small indent by the base of her scalp.  

"A scar?" I slightly whisper to myself. I wonder where that came from? Before a million thoughts can enter my mind a loud crack of thunder bangs outside the window, causing me to jolt slightly. A few seconds later, my phone buzzes beside me, the vibration causing me to have the same reaction. 

I look down at my phone and I've received a message from my beloved Jungkook, who in which I don't believe I ever apologised to. The message reads 'I need to talk to you. Its urgent'. As anxiety feels my body and I place my phone into my pocket and I gently lift the lifeless Y/n that still lays softly on me. I place a pillow under her head and I tuck her in tightly as sickness is something she doesn't need. As I went to leave I look at her once last time and I can't help but smile, my heart warming as she continues to remain in sleepy slumber. 

Now back in the rain and wind, I make it my mission to get back to the dorm as quick as possible. As I open the door, I expect to hear chatter and noise, but there is nothing of the such but the rain falling from my soaked clothes, hitting the floor below me. The quietness was causing me to feel uneasy as it was something I wasn't used to.  

As I move further into the dorm I spot Jimin in the corner looking anxious as he paces back and forth chewing his nails. Before I could approach him Jungkook appears from around the corner and catches my attention as he too looks worried, and the uneasiness of the air only continues to grow.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" I ask, now nervous for his answer.

"I.. I know why.. Ah, I know who Y/n is..." 

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