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As the door continues to open, my hand stays latched around Namjoon's arm and my heart is beating so quickly that I can feel it in my ears. Why am I so nervous? The thought of walking through those doors absolutely terrified me.

Finally, after what feels life hours the door fully opens and I'm consumed by the light that was waiting on the other side. I find myself standing next to Namjoon with six pairs of eyes now staring directly at me, those eyes belonging to BTS. The chatter has stopped and it only makes me more anxious. It's funny, seeing them all here in front of me, it just isn't comprehending in my brain. I mean, if it were anyone else I'm sure they would be on the floor by now, yet I'm just unable to move, or breathe, or speak.

"Guys, this is Y/n" Namjoon says with a large smile upon his face. For some reason hearing his voice put's my heart at ease.

"Hello.." I quietly say, the words barley making it away from my mouth.

"She's a quiet one" Jimin says, his smile so incredibly cute.

"And clingy" Hoseok adds, pointing to my hand holding Namjoon's arm. Quickly I let go and I feel my face continue to turn a bright shade of red as the embarrassment quickly rises through my body.

"Don't tease her. Hurry up and introduce yourselves" Namjoon states, his eyes bright with excitement. It's as if he's been waiting for this moment a while now, can't say I feel the same.

"I'm Jin, and this is Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Tae and Yoongi" Jin points to each of the boys, all in which give me a cute smile and wave. Needless to say I was feeling more at ease with the situation I have found myself in, but it doesn't change the fact that I wanted to throw myself out the window to save myself the embarrassment. 

"It's lovely to meet you all. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused" I stumble over my words constantly, it's as if I've forgotten how to speak.

"Really, it's not an issue, I mean you were in trouble, so we helped"

"Tae is right Y/n, there is nothing to be sorry about"

"Thank you Yoongi and thank you Tae" They're being so kind, I can't understand why. As time passes by I begin to feel more comfortable and I no longer stumble over my words. Due to this, the boys and I sit together and we speak. I'm sitting between both Jimin and Namjoon, who might I add hasn't left my side the entire time thank god. But honestly, this whole occurrence feels too strange to be real, yet here I am, under the same roof as BTS.

"So Y/n, tell us about yourself" Jimin asks, his perfect eyes staring deeply into my own.

"There's nothing to tell I guess"

"What about your family? Job? Friends?" Jin asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean I'm nothing special. I went to high school and university of course, but I left home at quite a young age and I haven't been in contact with my family ever since. I have multiple jobs in which I'm not particularly proud of but it puts food on the table I guess and I don't really have any friends other than the people I work with. In conclusion, my life kinda sucks" I feel so out of breath after speaking, and from the looks of the boy's faces, they don't seem too impressed with the story I have to tell. "Butttt anyway, that's enough about me, I want to know about you guys"

The room stays silent for a few seconds till finally Tae is the first to opened his mouth. "Honestly, yours isn't too different from our own. We just work, eat, sleep and repeat I guess. We don't usually have time to do anything else"

"Really?" I say. "I mean you're so famous and have so much money, surely you would have more freedom than I do"

"I mean we do, but not really. At the moment we are trying to get some time off and have a break, but the company doesn't want us to" Namjoon states, his smile slowly fading, I can't help but feel bad. "It doesn't bother us though not entirely, we love what we do"

It's Love - Namjoon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now