Feelings and Food

870 32 13

I lay on my bed with my legs sprawled within the blanket, half in and half out as the weather can't decide if it wants to be hot or cold. I have my phone in hand and my messages open. I need to text Namjoon but I'm quite nervous in doing so. He's probably mad at me for leaving as abruptly as I did, I mean, how could I possibly be any ruder? I got to keep my job at least, but still, I can't help but feel horrible. Reason number 67 for BTS to not like me. 

Finally I work up the courage to text him. Who knew such a simple task could be so nerve wrecking? 


Hey Namjoon. I was going to drop around
4pm to give your clothes back. Is that okay? 

Don't worry about it. I wont be home all day
 because I have a meeting to attend to.
I'm not sure when it will finish, so I'll just
 drop by yours. I hope that's okay.

Oh, that should be fine. See you later :) 

I feel my heart skip a beat as Namjoon reply's instantly. However, I can't help but screw my nose at the way I text. I suppose I say that about a lot of things about me. Can't help but be self deprecating about every little thing I guess. 


The seven of us arrive at the front of the bighit building. Each of us nervous, but anticipating about what the outcome may be to the meeting we are about to attend to. The hot sun that beams down upon me only makes the sweat more noticeable on the back of my neck. Everything felt numb, but was burning at the same time, this weird sensation was all I could think about.  

After a few moments we each enter the same dim lit room, the men who we spoke to a few days prior sit quietly at the front. No expression and no words spoken. I am closest to the front, followed by Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook and Tae. I glance at Yoongi who sits further down the table, his face stern and emotionless, Jimin on the other hand was quite noticeably anxious and unable to sit still. We can get through this, I know we can. Just got to keep pushing. 

As this thought enters my mind I sit up straight in my chair, making direct eye contact with the men in front of me. I was serious, dead serious. We were walking out of this building with smiles upon our faces no matter what. 

As a breath leaves the mans mouth, his shoulders relax and he falls back into his chair. That's when he spoke. "Alright boys, I'm going to cut straight to the point.... After a long and insightful discussion, we have come to the conclusion that all seven of you will receive two months off" 

As those words leave his mouth each of us are left with our mouths open. I, myself, could not believe what he was saying. I could not believe that this was happening, none of us could, but I was ecstatic that it was. 

"Really? Two months? I was only expecting one month at most" I happily say, a chuckle leaving my mouth. 

"I know, I know. But you have worked very hard these past few years, this year especially being very full on, so yes, two months is what you deserve" 

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