The Hospital Bed

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His chest and the warmth of his body could be felt with every tiny movement causing my own body to move as well, melting into his tight embrace. Although typically the hospital bed is never usually a place of comfort, here with Namjoon, alone, I find myself in a place of safety and rest. 

His hand slowly played with the strands of my hair that had fallen across my forehead, my own hand resting gently on his chest. The room was filled with a deep blue colour as the sun had set once more, the curtain restricting the last few drops of sunlight. The air, it wasn't cool but still my toes and finger tips longed for more warmth. This moment in time, as I lay here, it had felt like a movie. Maybe I was romanticising what had happen, yet how couldn't I? These thoughts, maybe it was the medication I had been put on to ease the pain in my head, or maybe it was the clarity in knowing from now on everything was going to be okay. 

I adjust myself a little more. "Are you sure you are comfortable? You can go back to your own room if you would like" The atmosphere had me feel like I should be whispering, so my voice continued to stay soft. I sat up, and moved a little, fearing that the weight of my body was only causing Namjoon more pain. 

"You aren't hurting me" He spoke with a smile, gently pulling my hand so now my face was looking towards his, our noses slightly touching. 

Out of embarrassment, our eyes not breaking contact I spoke the words "I love you" once more. 

Namjoon chuckled lightly and sat up slightly "I love you too Y/n" 

"Did you want me to clean your cuts? Its about that time again" I said, sitting up next to him as he stretched his arms and let out a yawn. 

He nods his head and begins to take off his shirt to reveal the bruises and cuts that were hidden underneath. My hands softly glide across the skin on his back. Purple and blue had taken over most of his body, my finger slightly touching the surfaces causing the goose bumps on his skin to rise. 

He then turn's towards me and the bruises only continue to grow. Both my hands now slightly touched the sides of his torso as I admire his body, my mind wondering to strange places when in fact, I was meant to be taking care of him. 

Although my eyes were else where, the tension in the room continued to grow to the point it could be cut with a knife. I could feel Namjoon looking down on me. His silent stare with those dragon like eyes caused a heartbeat only to grow. His breath grew in pace and I found myself squirming as my body was reacting on its own. 

Before I let my mind and body go too far, I finally find myself cleaning his cuts. Small one's with water and a swab, making sure they don't get infected. I bandage them up softly and I look up gently, my face feeling flushed and warm.

"Your turn" Namjoon spoke. 

I hesitated at first, but did as he said. I pulled off my shirt to reveal what I had been hiding underneath. I looked at my own body and unwilling covered it with my arms.

"Don't be embarrassed. I've seen all this before"  He spoke with a smirk and I felt my insides turn slightly with butterflies. But, I did what he said and I moved my arms. The bra in which I wore was the only thing left I had covering my top half, but for some reason I had wished Namjoon would remove it.  

His hands moved in the same way mine did. His lean fingers drifting across my skin, examining its whereabouts. His hands where soft, even when they touched my bruises. However, what took me by surprise was when he started to kiss them. First it was the one on my shoulder, then the side of my torso, stomach, my back and the top half of my breasts. Everything inside me was screaming for him to not stop. I wanted him to keep going, hoping, praying he would. 

My prayers had been answered, and he continued to brush his lips across my body and then finally to my lips. He kissed me softly and I kissed him back, his hand drifting to the clip of my bra and...

"Namjoon Hyung, the doctor is here to see.....oh.. SORRY!" As quickly as Jungkook entered the room, he left. His face glowing red as he covered his eyes. 

I had never moved so quickly in my entire life, grabbing what ever was closest to me, in which happened to be the pillow so I could cover my body. 

Namjoon just smiled and laughed sightly under his breath as he tried to help me put my shirt back on as the doctor entered the room. 

"You two shouldn't do that in here you know" The doctor speaks, his voice crisp and piercing as you'd expect a doctor to sound. 

Further, out of embarrassment I blabber out "Its a misunderstanding, I swear"

Barley taking notice of my efforts he continued to look at the documents in his hands, his glasses falling slightly down the bridge of his nose. After a few seconds of looking through his pile, he affirms that "The two of you will be able to leave in about a week. Your injuries should heal fine and you were lucky things turned out that way but we would like to continue to monitor you both just in case" 

The two of us nod our heads as he goes to leave the room. "Okay, I'll let you two get back to what you were doing before" 

As the door closes and my face heats up once more, I gently fall back on the bed, Namjoon following after me. 

His arms wrapped around me once more and my eyes had begun to grow heavy. 

"Y/n, are you okay? Please tell me if you aren't" Namjoon asks, his voice softer than before, the grip in his hold growing tighter.

"I think I'm okay, but if its alright, I don't want to talk about that now. I just wanna lay here with you now and forget about the world around me. You are all I need" I quietly say, pushing my nose further into his body. "But from here on out, things are going to better, I can feel it"

"I feel that as well" He confirms quietly. 

"Namjoon, you think I'll be able to publish my book?" I ask out of nowhere. It was something that had been on my mind for a while and now I was ready to be confident to talk about, or maybe it was just the medication again. 

"Of course you will. You are a talented writer and I'll be with you every step of the way. It may seem difficult at first, but in the end it will all be worth it" 

I giggle slightly at the thought of it, but I was happy. "Maybe then I can stop working at that stupid restaurant" I joke.

"You know if you want, you can quit and I'll financially look after you" His words echoed through my ears and for a second there he sounded serious. 

"Don't be silly" I laugh. 

The two of us sit in silence once more, the night growing later and the air becoming cooler. "Y/n, can I ask you something?"

"Of course" 

"When things calm down and the world feels somewhat normal again, do you think we could move in with each other?" 

I was shocked and surprised yet, those words made me so happy that I could barley contain my excitement.

"Yes, yes, yes. I'd love to move in with you Namjoon" 

"Really?! Ah, I was nervous you'd say no" He laughs lightly, placing his head back on the pillow. 

His arms pulled me in close and the word goes silent. After that, I think our bodies had used up every ounce of energy we had left. I closed my eyes once and after that, I was out like a light.

I felt at peace with myself. I was happy and Namjoon was happy. After such traumatic events, it's weird to think that I'd be feeling such a way yet, for some reason I had gut feeling that from here on out I was going to continue to grow and become a better person, a better friend, a better girlfriend. 

Namjoon, he was my world. 

~Authors Notes~
Oop, the end is drawing near sadly. 

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