You're Stuck With Me

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Blue and red flashed within my eye sight. The cold, but crisp colours consumed my vision and for a while was all that I could see. As my mind came to, I was weeping over Namjoon's chest, gripping the creases of his shirt as I pleaded for him to wake up. My body, weak and limp as my strength only continued to deteriorate. 

My heart was pounding within my chest, and my throat was swollen as my voice had begun to disappear. I felt my body sway side to side as I had come to realise we were in an ambulance, my memories of such things happening had disappeared.

"Miss, you need to calm down please" The parametric said, his hand softly gripping my arm as he tried to pull me away from Namjoon's body.

In return, all I could say was "Why isn't he waking up? He needs to wake up". I refused to let him go, I wasn't going to leave his side.

"Miss please, he will be okay. I need you to sit-"

The mans words only went in one ear and out the other. I couldn't comprehend what he was saying, actually I just couldn't understand it as my mind was becoming hazy and the world turned white. Before I knew it, I felt my eyes become heavy and my breathing begin to slow down. The last thing I saw was Namjoon's lifeless body, his face bruised and painted with blood. All my mind was left with was the darkness and isolation that came afterwards.


Suddenly my eyes shot open. The pale white roof was what I was welcomed with and the lingering scent of antiseptic spray. The bed in which I laid in was soft but firm across my back as the pillow supported the weight of my neck, a bandage tightly wrapped around my head. I was in the hospital again.

I felt my heart rise once more as I turned my head to the left, hoping, praying that Namjoon would be in the bed across me. Instead, two figures sat in the chairs, their heads both laid low as their eyes stayed shut. One with dark black hair that just wasn't cut right, his broad shoulders struggling to be contained within the frail chair. The other, who was much smaller in appearance and who's eyes I could see clearly amongst all that coloured hair. It was Jin and Hoseok who sat here with me, watching over me whilst my body tried to recover.

Before I could barley take a breath, their eyes opened and I was welcomed to their fearful stare that quickly turned into relief.

"Jin..... Hoseok" I quietly spoke, my throat cracked and swollen, making it difficult to speak.

"Y/n.." they both spoke with excitement before putting their arms around me tightly with ease. 

Jin pulled away first and looked me up and down before putting a hand to his mouth to stop the tears. "Y/n, we were so worried. When we got the call I- I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think"

"Hyung, calm down. Look, she's okay, Y/n is alive and is okay" Hoseok spoke with a softness within his voice as he pushed a peace of hair that come loose out of my face.

I smiled softly and tried to speak once more. "I'm sorry Jin, Hoseok. I'm really sorry"

Hoseok looked at me once more, his soft gaze bringing me some comfort. "There's no need to be sorry. What happened wasn't your fault, but let's try not to think about that now, okay?"

I nodded my head once more and Hoseok hopped of the bed and sat quietly back in his chair.

"Wait, where's Namjoon and what happened to Shaw!?" I ask with urgency, slightly raising myself as I do so.

Both of the boys eyes lowered quickly as neither of them knew what to say.

"Namjoon, he's fine and in another room, but he hasn't woken up yet and the doctors aren't sure when he will" Hoseok says quietly, his head staying low.

I felt the tears grow in my eyes, but I tried to suppress it. I didn't want to cry anymore, I needed to become stronger.

"What about- Shaw?" I hesitantly ask.

"He's here too in the hospital being watched over by police. I spoke with them before briefly. He breached his bail and is going back to prison for longer this time. We've begun the restraining order process so you'll never have to see him again" Jin spoke. His words, they comforted me. I was never going to see that asshole again. 

"Can I see Namjoon?" I asked, trying to get up.

"You aren't well enough to move yet y/n" Hoseok said, tucking me back in the bed. "Once the doctor says you can get up then-"

Suddenly he had stopped speaking and his body stopped moving, his eyes lingering towards the door. I turn my head and there he stands.


"Ya! Namjoon, get back here now!" I hear a voice yell, I think it's Yoongi.

Before I knew it, the rest of the boys and two doctors come running after him. However, my mind couldn't focus on that. With what strength I had suddenly surge through my body, I managed to through myself up from the bed.

"Y/n you cant move yet!" Jin says in an angry tone, however his words failed to compute properly.

I stumbled my way forward till I arrival to Namjoon, his face was barley recognisable as bruises and cuts were all I could see. His arms were bandaged and so were parts of his legs. Without saying a word I wrap my arms around his body and pull him into a loving embrace. He winces slightly at the touch of me so I loosen my grip.

"Namjoon... I... I love you" The room goes silent as not even a breath could be heard, not even Namjoon's. "I love you so much Namjoon and I want to spend the rest of of my life with you. I hope you don't mind, but your stuck with me forever" I quickly blurt out, causing the sides of my cheeks to burn.

For a moment too long, the room stayed silent. I looked up and Namjoon was looking down. "I love you too Y/n. I love you so much".

My heart fills with a thousand butterflies as his arms squeeze me gently, his warm body consuming every part of my soul. It was as if there wasn't 8 other people in the room, as if it was just the two of us.

I was safe now, everything was going to be okay.

~Authors Notes~
Sorry this is late :( I currently visiting my best friend that lives 12 hours away from me so I wanted to give all my attention to her. I hope you liked this chapter and please look after yourself💜💜💜

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