The Date

800 32 14


What is a date?

What does one do on a date?

I couldn't tell you, yet here I am. The man of my dreams has my hand clutched in his own as he leads me through the thick streets of Seoul into....

"An Ice cream parlour? I haven't been to one of these since I was a child" I say, as I stare at the pastel colours as they run up the walls and the juxtaposition of the bright red booths, made of what looks to be fake leather. The atmosphere, it was happy and childlike, a good change of pace in other words.

I don't know, but for some reason it calmed my nerves a bit. I was less anxious and more excited now that I had wrapped my head around the idea that Namjoon actually did like me back.

"I thought it would be nice, I mean, in all those cute romantic movies there always seems to be a date in an ice cream parlour" His voiced seemed to bounce within my ears, as I began to feel giddish once more.

As he let go of my hand, and the two of us sat isolated in the back, we ordered sweets. I, of course, choose the triple chocolate sundae, where's Namjoon went with the less rich option, and settled for a piece of strawberry cheesecake.

After we had finished ordering, I found myself unsure on what to say.

"Hm, Do you want to play a game?" Namjoon asked, as I stared at him in awe.

"A game? What kind of game?" I replied, a little confused.

"Well, before you said that I don't know you, so let's change that. I ask a question and you answer, then you ask me a question and I answer. Got it?"

I nod my head in agreeance. It sounded fun and would most certainly make me feel open, I mean that's what dates are all about I suppose.

I rest my head on my hand as I stare deep into his eyes once more. I tapped my feet underneath the table as I waited for him to speak.

"Okay, I'll go easy first" He smiled. "What is your favourite colour? Boring, I know, but it is something I would like to know"

I sit and ponder for a few moment's. "I would say orange. I think orange is a really pretty colour, like when the sun sets and there is that burnt red and purplish hue that just fills the horizon"

I smile at the thought of it. I truly am soft at heart.

"Okay, I'll ask a question now. Um, what do you enjoy to do when you're relaxing?" I ask somewhat playfully. I was beginning to feel confident now, as the mood surrounding us was beginning to feel less awkward.

"I love to read books, I have since a young age. Its something I do to pass time, or when I feel as though I need a break from reality" He answers, while the sun begins to shine within the window.

"Okay, you're turn" I say happily.

"When I first saw you today, you took a photo of me. How long have you been into photography?"

I pull out the camera from my bag and place it in front of him. "I had began to become interested when I started high school. I had only found it this morning and thought I should use it." I confess.

He picks up the camera and examines it intently. "How did the screen crack?" He asks and suddenly I feel the air leave my body.

"One day, while I was at school, I had left my camera on my bed instead of hiding it away. My mum had gone into my room and found it. Let's just say that she didn't take it too lightly. I came home and she threw it against the wall and told me I need to stop distracting myself with such useless hobbies" I feel my eyes begin to look away, but then suddenly there's a warmth in my palms.

It's Love - Namjoon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now