Chapter 24: Drown Her

Start from the beginning

He got his answer when Vormver used his powers to send a wave of water crashing against her. Annabeth was thrown back against a stone wall, grunting in pain.

"I tire of you," Vormver hissed. "I've fought turtles who made more effort than you."

Percy blinked and burst into a fit of laughter. He knew it was inappropriate right now and he still had one hand clutching his wound but the sound of Vormver fighting turtles set something off in him. It made Vormver angrier, but it also caught him off guard.

Quick as lightning, Percy launched himself at Vormver who dodged but was late to react. Percy's sword sliced a deep gash on Vormver's thigh, causing him to let out an inhumane screech. Percy didn't stop there, he slashed his sword again, this time opening a gash on his right arm, forcing Vormver to drop one blade. Percy was panting now, his wound slowing him down, but he didn't stop.

Vormver growled and sent a black bolt of darkness towards him. Percy swerved but his movements were sluggish. The bolt hit him square in the chest, throwing him backward and he collapsed in a heap on the ground.

Pain lanced up his abdomen, causing his vision to turn hazy. He was vaguely aware of Vormver stepping up to him, his uninjured hand engulfed in darkness and raised above his head.

"I'm done with you," Vormver said and fired his shot.

Time seemed to slow as he watched the blow head straight for his chest.

"No!" he heard Annabeth cry and before he could scream or try to stop it, Annabeth threw herself in front of Percy, taking the brunt of it for him.

His senses cleared in a second. He was aware of himself screaming Annabeth's name. He pulled her towards him, checking her pulse frantically. Percy almost cried when he heard a steady heartbeat. But Annabeth was knocked unconscious.

"You should have just did what I told you to do," Vormver said, shaking his head. "I never wanted to hurt your little girlfriend. You left me with no choice. It's over, Perseus Jackson. You will hand me your power and we will end this. I might even spare you."

Percy looked up in anger but before he could say something to provoke Vormver further, a figure crashed into him, sending both the figure and Vormver crashing into a pillar. Percy jolted up yet careful not to jostle Annabeth.

It was Naguel!

Beside him, someone touched his shoulder. He turned to find a wide-eyed Sylvia.

"Let me help her," Sylvia said.

Percy blinked in confusion but shook his head, not trusting her. Behind, Naguel had started to battle Vormver. Percy's heart was torn into two, he wanted to stay with Annabeth but he needed to get to Naguel and quick.

Sylvia shook her head. "I never knew Lady Serena was Vormver," she said, her voice strained. "I was clouded by emotions for my 'mother' but I realized now that she had been using me this whole time. She had been so sweet once. I hadn't been sorry for my actions, but after meeting you, Percy, you made me hesitate, for the first time in my life. Please, just give me a chance to redeem myself."

Percy still hesitated but Sylvia gave him a sad yet sincere smile. Percy remembered the way Phyllis was treated, the way the Council never gave her a chance. Sylvia might have betrayed him, But he wasn't one to hold grudges. He understood why she did it.

Even he might have done it under different circumstances.

"I promise I'll take care of her," Sylvia vowed. "I swear on the River Styx."

Percy handed Annabeth to Sylvia who took Annabeth with surprising gentleness. Immediately, she swam off to a safer spot to begin tending with Annabeth's wounds.

There was no time for distraction. Percy had to rely on his instincts this time. He picked up his discarded sword and trident. His wounds hadn't healed yet but they were closed enough to allow more movement. That would have to do for now.

Percy raced to the battle. Naguel was slowing wearing down. Even though he was injured, Vormver still maintained an excellence in sword fighting. They had moved so much they were now in the middle of the entire Trench War.

Percy could spot the Council battling the raining five sea demons. Triton had been freed and was aiding Razir with Tytannus. On the west side, Keelie and Gary were bickering while battling a huge sea demon. Guards and other sea creatures fought mercilessly against the sea demon army.

He didn't bother wasting a breath, swimming towards Vormver. He stopped beside Naguel, the older member visibly panting but his eyes were wild.

"Time to end this," Naguel said. "Once and for all."

Percy only raised his sword in answer, his own eyes burning with a defiance so bright.

They charged.

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