Chapter 4: Graduation Day

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Friday May 19- The cookout was fun it had ended at like 8 or 9 pm due to everybody had to practice for graduation yesterday. But Lord today is that I can't thank you enough for letting me though all my 4 years of high school and let me walk through that stage today. The graduation ceremony doesn't start until 7:00pm so I have plenty of time to get ready. This time I'm wearing my black high heels with another different dress with some diamond looking casual earrings and diamond necklace.
London- Aye my sister is graduating today.
Cathryn- I sho am.
London- What you gonna do after graduation.
Cathryn- Going to Buffalo Wild Wings and go bowling. Austin, Dustin, and Blossom are going too.
London- Okay.
Howard (Dad)-  Heeeey my daughter fin to graduate today.( hugging and kissing me)
Cathryn- Good morning dad.
Howard- What you want for breakfast.
Cathryn- Umm, eggs, bacon, pancakes, and grits.
Howard- Okay I'll get your breakfast ready for you.
Cathryn- Thanks dad. Let me get out of this bed and go to the bathroom.

Ran out of ideas and maybe kind of boring, but Graduation Day pt.2 is coming soon.
London- Hey what is that smell... good morning dad you cooking breakfast.
Howard- Yes ma'am and it's almost and it's almost done. Okay now it's ready.
London- Oooh eggs, bacon, pancakes, and grits with apple juice. And dad (whispering) after I finish eating breakfast I'm gonna leave to go and buy Cathryn a graduation gift so don't tell her where I'm going okay.
Howard- Okay baby.
Samantha (Mom)- Good morning everyone.
London-Good morning mom guess who cook breakfast.
Samantha- Well my husband decided to make break fast for everyone today. Thank you baby for giving me a break.
Cathryn- Okaaay where is my breakfast yesss there it is...this is so good dad.
London- Really good.
Samantha- I love it baby.
Howard- Thank you thank you very much.

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