Chapter 21: College Move-in Day

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Monday August 20
Cathryn- Man! Today is the day I start the next chapter in my life... I'm finally moving into college. Summer was fun and now it's time to go back to school. I move in to UWA( University of West Alabama) at 4:00 . All of my clothes and other college and other stuff is already packed. Tyler doesn't go back to school until the 22nd so him and London and our parents are gonna help me move into my dorm at UWA. Hey London why you didn't come to Angilla  b-day party the other day it was lit.
London- I gave her gift early but I decided to let you teenagers have fun.
Cathryn- Okay. We all 18 now, except for Angilla of course, so basically we're young adults now.
London- Yeah I know you ready for your first day of college sis.
Cathryn- Yes!!! I am ready what time is it.
London- It's 2:30 and Blossom is your roommate right.
Cathryn- Yep.
Samantha(Mom)-  We're leaving at 3 o'clock on the dot.
Cathryn- Okay.
Tyler- I'm gonna miss you Cathryn.
London- Me too.
Samantha (Mom)- I about to cry my other baby is about to go to college.
Cathryn- Aww mom don't cry.
Howard (Dad)- I'll miss you too boo-boo.
Cathryn- I miss you guys already and we not at UWA yet.

I am so sorry that this Chapter is so short .I  was too tried from work today to write the whole chapter and I hadn't been updating a new chapter in minute so I  decided to write part of it today. But I  promise to upload the rest of the chapter one day next week.

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