Chapter 3: Justine's Cookout

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Everybody is done taking pictures with their friends and family and now whoever gotten invited to Justine's cookout fit to go back home and change.
Justine-  Hey Cathryn, Blossom y'all coming.
Cathryn- Yes
Justine- Okay Austin, Dustin, Damon y'all still coming to the cookout right.
Austin and Dustin- Yeah
Damon- I'm still coming.
Justine- Alright.
Damon- It's weird that Justine invited us to her cookout she even invited Blossom, Cathryn, Shelby, and Marchelle.
Dustin- Right
Austin- She be nice whenever she wants to.
Damon- I fit to go back home and change see y'all twins later.
Austin- Okay
Dustin- Alright bro.
Tyler- Hey sis where you fit to go now.
Cathryn- I fit to go back home and clothes to get ready for Justine's cookout.
Tyler- Justine having a cookout and invited you your best friend, and your other friends that weird. But have fun tho.
Cathryn- Ok and it is weird that she did invitede and my rest of my friends. I don't know what time Justine cookout starts but I'll be there at either 12 or 12:30. The time now is 11:07 I got time to go back home and find something to wear.
Before I start to look for clothes to put on I'd took a picture of my awards and post them on my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter that London took for me. I post my videos and one of me pictures on Snapchat. Okay let's see what I can find to wear; I'll wear one of my homecoming t-shirt with some blue jeans and some sandals. It's just a cookout so no need to dress too nice. Time now is 11:53 I just have to turn my TV off and go to Justine's house.
Cathryn- Mom y'all back home.
Samantha- Yes we just got back.
Cathryn- Okay I fit to go to Justine's cookout.
Samantha- Okay have fun.
12:10pm... Justine house is already halfway pack here and I see that Damon, Shelby, Marchelle, and the twins already made it here.
Marchelle- Hey Cathryn.
Cathryn- Hey Marchelle do you know what's cooking on the grill.
Marchelle- Well Justine's brother is barbecuing hotdogs, hamburgers, sausages,chicken, ribs, and steak.
Cathryn- Okay.
Blossom- Hey Cathryn I didn't see you here.
Cathryn- Girl I just got here.
Blossom- I hope Marchelle brother almost done with the food I'm getting hungry.
Justine- Okay everyone the food is ready.
Blossom- Yes bout time.
Cathryn- I decided to get a hamburger and a rib with a Sprite soda.
Blossom- I'm just gonna get chicken and 2 hot dogs with Sprite drink. Everybody got their food went to eat in Justine sun room while the music is playing.

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