Chapter 19: Back to School Shopping

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Wednesday  August 15th
London- Hey Cathryn , Tyler y'all ready to go to Walmart for your back to school shopping.
Cathryn- Don't worry about picking up Blossom and Angilla up and meet us at Walmart.
London- I never seen Blossom  drive for real for real.
Cathryn- Yeah she don't be driving out that much.
London- Oh you and Tyler ready to go.
Cathryn- I'm ready but let me see about Tyler ready to go. Tyler! You ready bro.
Tyler- Uhh yeah.
I  started laughing  cause Tyler had his pants on backwards.
Tyler- Whats funny I'm ready to go.
Cathryn(grinning)-  Your pants are on backwards.
Tyler- What...(looking at pants) Oh man!?! I'll be right out I thought something  didn't feel right.
Cathryn- Hey L he's almost he had his pants on backwards trying to put them back on right.
London(smirking)- Okay.
Tyler- Okay pants on the right size lets go school shopping for my junior year.  Y'all know  Angilla birthday is this Friday.
Cathryn- Naw I didn't know.
Tyler - Yep bae gonna be 17 she said y'all invited to her party its not gonna be that big of party.
London- I wish she said something earlier now we have to do shopping today and tomorrow buy  something for your girlfriends birthday.
Cathryn- Yeah I'm  still shock that she didn't tell us. I'm gonna have to talk to her while in Walmart today.
London- Me too lets go y'all.
Tyler- She's  having an illness in her family thats probably why she forgot tell y'all.
Cathryn- Oooooh man.
Tyler- Keep her and her family in your prayers.
Hey mom we fit to leave for school shopping.
Samantha- Alright.

Tyler- Hey bae.
Angilla- Hey bae. Hi Cathryn and London.
Both- Hey girl.
London-  We heard about the illness in your  family sorry about that.
Angilla- It's fine my Uncle has cancer just found out yesterday.
Blossom- So want do you want on your birthday.
Angilla- All I can say is it don't matter surprise me.
Tyler- I  will give a nice and hopefully a special  birthday gift for you bae.
Angilla- Thank you bae.
Tyler kiss Angilla on her cheek.
Cathryn- Okay but we're  not gonna do it tomorrow I wish you have to us a little earlier.
Let's  get this school shopping over with.
Blossom- This black and pink binder is cute I'm  getting it.
Cathryn- I  already know I will need alot of folders and binders for college even pencils.
London- Just get enough for all your classes you don't need that much for your freshman year.
Cathryn- Okay sis.
Angilla- Me and Tyler gonna need the same thing  for our junior year but not that much right bae.
Tyler- Right.

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