Chapter 16: Let Summer Begin

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Saturday June 3rd
Blossom POV
Well today my summer starts off today.Today me my family, and also my best friend Cathryn will be going to the movies today to see the movie "The Lion King." The movie starts at 8 'o clock so now its 6:50 pm and Cathryn is already here with me. We're gonna leave till like 7:20 so we can go ahead and get ourselves a seat 'cause I know alot of people going to be their to see "The Lion King ".
Cathryn- Do you know when y'all gonna go out of town this summer.
Blossom- Well remember when I told you that we probably gonna go to Tennessee but don't know when.
Cathryn- Yea.
Blossom- My parents said we going somewhere else either Jackson, Mississippi or maybe Mobile, Alabama I wish we can go to both.
Cathryn- Alright I'm not quite sure if we going to Miami, Florida the whole week of June 12-16th. We're going somewhere but as much my parents are working we probably won't have 1 a week vacation I don't know. It's 7:17 you ready to go.
Blossom- Yeah.
Cathryn- But I'm planning for everybody including Tyler's girlfriend to go somewhere and I  think its Columbus, Mississippi for the day.
Blossom- Okay. Mom, dad y'all ready.
Mrs. Jones- Yes baby we're ready.
Mr. Jones- Lets roll.

Cathryn- It's 7:35 and we finally got our tickets I had a feeling its going to be packed when it comes to seeing "The Lion King ". We all bought our popcorn, drinks, and other types of food and went inside the movie theater to wait for "The Lion King" to come at 8.
(Whispering) Blossom- So far the movie is good but a little different from the other one.
(Whispering) Cathryn- Right its different b/c it's not animated.

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