Chapter 24: First Day of College pt.2

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Blossom- Okay what you need to talk about.
Cathryn- Is your first class Math or Science.
Blossom- Let me get my schedule out. My first class is Math and my second class is Science.
Cathryn-  Okay my first class is also Math, second  class Science so yeah I think we taken all the same classes.
Blossom- Good I just have to brush my teeth, do my hair and I will be ready what time it is now.
Cathryn- 7:45am. We should probably leave early so we can find what Hall our Math class is at.
Blossom- How early.
Cathryn- Like at 8 or 8:10.
Blossom-  Alright I'm  done brushing my teeth, I'm  gonna wear my hair down today take our pictures and that's it.
Me and Blossom were taking each other pictures for our first day of college,  posting them on our social media, and now we fit to get ready to go to eat breakfast first. Time now is 8:03 so we should have to eat our breakfast.

That cafeteria looked really nice and the only thing I ate was a sausage n biscuit with eggs and bacon with apple juice. Blossom ate eggs, grits, and bacon all together with apple juice. We had met a few college boys their names were Asher and Jonathan. They were really nice to us and kind of cute. We found the hall that we will take our Math and Science class at. Time now is 8:56 we made to class on time.

Becoming A College Girl pt.2Where stories live. Discover now