Chapter 22: College Move-in Day pt.2

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Samantha (Mom)- Okay is it 3:00 yet.
Cathryn- Its 2:55. Oh let's  hurry up  and back the rest of my things so we can head on to Livingston. It's now 3:00 me and my siblings decided to drive with me while mom and dad drive by theirs elves in dads black truck. Driving to Livingston is like a 57 min to like a hour away from home. I'm gonna miss home so much.

4:08 pm...   I'm finally at UWA, but I don't know where to park at to check myself in.
London- You like almost at the main building so make sure to get a parking spot so you can check yourself in its pack up here on campus.
Cathryn- Alright found a parking spot I have to go in with my mom and after that y'all can help me move into my dorm room.
Tyler- Okay.
London- Alright.

Cathryn- Alright I'd checked in and my dorm is right behind us.
London-  Let's get back in the car so we can unpack your things.
Cathryn- Blossom had text me and she's already here and still unpacking.
Tyler- This is nice I wonder how the dorms look in Troy University or University of Alabama. Hey Blossom hey Mrs. Jones.
Cathryn & London-  Hey Mrs. Jones.
Mrs. Jones- Hey how y'all doing you ready for college Cathryn.
Cathryn- Yes I been waiting for this day like forever and I'm glad this day is finally here.
Mrs. Jones- Well I hope you and Blossom have a great time.
Cathryn- Thank you. I know college can be hard but I'll still have fun.

Meanwhile... 5:45pm
Blossom-  Well I'm done unpacking my stuff. Cathryn what about you.
Cathryn- Yeah bestie I'm done too. Time to say goodbye to our parents and siblings.
Mom,Dad, Tyler, London started hugging me and even Blossoms mom. My mom had started crying a little. Aww mom don't cry.
Samantha- I'm sorry baby its just're in college you not a baby anymore you growing up I am so proud of you.
   Thank you momma.
Then everyone started hugging Blossom; after that we had told everyone goodbye and they had left.
Blossom-  Well we here Cathryn.
Cathryn- We here Blossom and the best part we don't have class until Wednesday.
Blossom- I know you want to go out and walk around campus.
Cathryn- Yeah.

Becoming A College Girl pt.2Where stories live. Discover now