He'll make an excuse of work

Well he has been a lot nicer to me since I and Umar got married

But it's not like he changed completely

It still shows that he likes Rumaisa And Ya Abdul more than me

I squatted down

"Baba Ina kwana" I greeted (Good morning)

His attention left the tv and any light he had in his eyes while watching the tv vanished

He nodded "Lafiya, ina mijin naki?" He asked (Where is your husband?)

"Yajeh aiki, but he'll come later on"I said (He has gone to work)

He nodded and he went back to watching the tv

I turned to Rumaisa who didn't bother greeting me

Some things never change

And of course baba didn't talk to her about it

But now if it was me that didn't greet Ya Abdul or someone older than me in front of him I'll not leave the place alive

"Ina Aunty?" I asked her as I sat down with them (where is Aunty)

"She's inside, with the doctor, they're checking him up" she said without looking up from her phone

"Hm, ok Toh" I said to her

Just as I closed my mouth Aunty and the doctor came out of the room

The doctor saw me and he smiled before he stopped "Hello Mrs Kashim, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine doctor, how about you?"

"I'm doing alright , thanks for asking" he said

"That's good" 

"Have a good day" he said with a smile before he continued walking

"You too" I said

I liked this doctor

He was really nice

I knew him from when Umar and Al'amin brought me here that day when Umar left me at that office

He was the guy who treated me

That hospital they took me to was his personal hospital

But he works here as well

"Aunty Ina Kwana" I said (Good morning)

"Lafiya qalau Hameeda,ya gajiyan giya?" (How's the tiredness from yesterday?)

"Everything's fine Alhamdulillah" I said trying not to think about what happened yesterday

"Toh Masha Allah,How's Umar, he's at his office right?" She asked

"Eh, but he's coming later" I said

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