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I'm on my way to meet Edwin. He has a lot to explain, but before that I want to meet my "so called brother," Owen.

He didn't only spoil my life but also Reb...I mean Ray's. He is a monster who stole her parents away from her.

He is a coward who just ran away, leaving me and my mother behind at the hands of an abusive father and has the dare to come back into my life and commit a crime, saying it was a brotherly duty?

My phone rings and a name flashes. A name that was changed because of me, the identity that still makes my heart flutter and the person who does not belong to me anymore, yet I'm doing this for her.

I still don't deserve the amount of trust she's put into me, but I just hope I live upto it.

I swipe my finger across the screen to answer and when I do, I stay silent. I have no idea what to tell her.

"Um, Hey?" I hear her.

"Hey," I greet.

"Did he show up yet?" She asks.

"No, I..uh...I still haven't reached." I answer.

"Oh, ok." She says. "Keep us updated."

"Yes, sure. I will." I reply

"And yeah," she speaks before I could end the call.


"Be careful," she warns. A smile spreads across my face, knowing that she still cares. I know it isn't that type of care, where she is hell lotta worried about me. But after what she's been through at my hands, I didn't expect her to even talk to me.

I reach the hotel, where Edwin had asked me to come when I had called him. I look at the building and realize that this isn't ANY hotel, it's a bloody 7-Star resort.

I walk inside and ask a bell boy the way to the room in which Edwin had called me. I have no idea why do these sick ass druggies do meetings in a hotel room. It isn't like people working in the hotels have no idea what these people do in their huge rooms. Ofcourse they know!

There's a ding sound when the elevator door opens and I'm on the 5th floor. I ring the doorbell of the suite and when the door opens, I was standing face to face with my long runaway brother.

I mean he sure wasn't lost.

Uh, I was here to meet Edwin. I had NOT expected to meet Owen. I did want Edwin to take me to meet Owen, but I needed some time to prepare.

This was just out of the blue!

"Hello, Shaw!" Him and his overenthusiastic greetings. "Come in."

"Hey, Owen," I fake a smile as i step in.

As I had guessed, it was master suite and ofcourse it was facing the pool. I snorted at my brother's predictable choices.

"Please take a seat," he says.

Eh? Please? Isn't he being too nice?

"What are you doing here? I thought I was meeting Edwin." I can't help, but be frank with him.

"Edwin will be here soon. I just wanted to tag along to meet my baby brother after so long." He smiles.

Baby brother? For God's sake, we only have one year of age difference!

"Oh," I speak. "Don't you think you should have done that a long time ago, when you sent Edwin to murder the parents of the girl I admired?"

"Oh shut it. It was nothing. But hey, you got the girl," he smiled cheerfully. I sigh at the amount of fakeness been thrown at me.

Under The Mistletoe | HS [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon