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Flashback Continues

Harry POV

"Seems like a psycho... who are you guys talking about?" We looked beside our table to find the psycho himself.

He was smirking like a psychopath killer.

He was sitting at the table attached to the opposite wall along with Edwin and two other guys. Edwin didn't even look at us, probably because he knew who we were talking about and the words coming out of Thea's mouth were actually his.

At that moment I knew he was scared, scared of Owen. But why?

"Oh hello, Ed... wassup?" I ask, he doesn't reply. I look at Zayn and eye towards Ed, asking him to continue instigating Edwin.

"Harry," Zayn starts. "Can't you see, he is ashamed that he let his master down, he won't talk..." Edwin clenches his fist.

We smirked knowing that we had triggered him.

"Oh yea, right!" I say.

"Could you just shut your damn mouth?" He bursts.

"Woah, someone's moody," Louis says. "Chill man, it happens."

"Yeah it does. Losing from a foe, it happens." Zayn continues.

"If that's the case, why don't you face me on the tracks, huh?" And there it was, exactly what we needed.

"Sure, why not?" Zayn smiled and got up from his seat.

"Get ready to lose, idiot," Owen speaks on behalf of Ed and starts walking outside the diner.

"You know Owen, even Ed has a very bad habit of speaking before actions," Louis says.

"Dare you say anything against him," Ed warns.

"Ooh, is that a threat?" Jess speaks. "Ofcourse you'd threaten on behalf of your master."

The road outside the diner was empty as the racing tracks would be, which was good for us. The first left after 200 meters from the diner led the way back to the diner.

Zayn and Ed drove their respective cars from the parking to the entrance of the diner.

Thea walked in front of the two cars, pointing towards them she asked, "Ready?"

They revved the engines to let us know that they were ready and they smirked looking at each other.

"Steady, Go!" She yells and the engines roar like beasts as they make their way on the road.

After sometime, we heard the engine roar and Zayn's car came into view as he crossed the finish line. He drifts the car and applied the break.

Getting out of the car, he walked towards Jess who handed him his jacket, which he had taken off before the race, and wore it keeping his victory smirk on.

There was a reason I had asked Zayn to instigate him.

Zayn had a past of being on tracks. Being a Bradford boy, he had learnt the attitude of facing the bad guys, especially on the tracks. He made sure no one bullied him by proving himself as one of the best racers from Bradford. And there, he proved it.

By this time, Edwin had reached the finish line and smashed the door shut with anger as he got out of the car.

We could feel Owen's rage increasing more and more, even from the distance of about 6 feet.

"Owen, pal," Louis walked towards him and putting an arm around his neck, he sighed. "Told you, not to talk before you preach but anyway, lesson learnt. Right?"

"Is there any doubt, Tommo?" I asked.

"So, DO NOT MESS WITH US AGAIN," Liam warned.

"Oh shut it," Owen spoke up, smacking Louis's hand away. "I will make sure that I'll mess up your careers, your lives and have the pretty blonde and brunette to myself."

His comments infuriated me and got the best out of me as I stepped forward and blew a punch in his face, knocking him on the ground.

He laughed as his two other sidekicks helped him get up.

"And this, my friend, is an open threat!" He spat the blood from his mouth. "Oh yea, you aren't a friend. Seems like you are the only foe, I'll have to take seriously."

"And we will make sure to screw you and this, personal little bodyguard of yours," Liam pointed towards Ed, who was watching everything from a safe distance. "We will screw you so bad that you'll never think yourself worthy of challenging a woman. Infact you'll never think yourself worthy of any woman in your life."

"And yeah, before threatening us make sure your sidekicks don't talk about you behind your back," Jess spoke.

"What do you mean?" Owen gave her a murderous glare.

"That psychopath we were talking about in the diner was you," Jess answered.

"Oh, and guess who told me all that?" Thea questioned as Owen glared at Edwin.

"You... I'll see what should I do about you later. Today you've been nothing but a disappointment to me," he told Ed and we could hear him suppressing his anger.

"Ooh, looks like there's gonna be a fight between you two, then why come behind us?" Niall asks.

"Because you guys have got the worst out of me and I give my word that I'll get you at your worst," he spat.

"Alright, let's see." Zayn says as we walk back to our car. "And Ed, see you tomorrow," he smirks.

Flashback Ends

"So, that's how it all started?" Ray asks.

"Yeah," I reply. "We continued to go on tracks and soon Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall and I took over the title of the best racer. Owen was pretty irked by that and soon decided to get to us by taking over our careers."

"That's why your firm is a secret?" She asks.

"Yes," I continue. "After college we started our own firm, had a great life. I was engaged to Jess and so were Liam and Thea. But, one day out of nowhere Ed and Owen hit our competitors list."

"One day, Zayn and Liam sneaked up into their office, while Louis hacked into their cameras to keep the two of them safe. Zayn and Liam overheard Owen and Ed speak to eachother about their illegal drug business and that's when we realized that Owen isn't any normal guy, but a drug dealer." I explain.

"We decided to lodge a complaint against him, but that never happened," Zayn says.

"But, why?" Ray asks.

"Thea," Louis answers.

"Thea? What happened to her?" Ray asks.

"She was misled," I say.

"What do you mean?"

"Owen was one step ahead of us. He got to know about our plan to exploit his drug business, so he decided to mislead one of us. Here's the thing, he never kept an eye on us, instead he kept eye on the girls. Maybe he knew they were our only weakness," Liam explains.

"When we decided to go to the cops and inform them everything, Thea and Jess were together. At that time we had no idea that they were being followed, neither did we know that Thea was being manipulated." I say.

"Stop telling your perspective and skip to the story Harry. Just tell me what happened?" She asked.


A/N: I'm so sorry for late reply. I was off and needed time for myself.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Please do vote if you did!

Happy reading


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