why obi wan was the wrong master

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This isn't an actual update, sorry about that.  But I've had something on my mind for a while and I wanted to share it with you all.  I'm wondering what your guys take on this will be...

Quite a few people agree that qui gon would've been a better master for Anakin, and I think so too, but he died.  Obi wan became his master.  But this was a mistake.  Now here's who I REALLY think should've been Anakin's master...

Plo Koon

I'll start off by saying that I didn't come up with this myself, I actually read it online somewhere about this theory, but I don't remember where.

The person who wrote about it said that qui gon and plo were actually good friends.  While I don't know much about this being true, I can totally see them having a friendship, so I'm just going to go with that.

If Anakin had been appointed to Plo, who not only was Qui gon's friend, but also an older and more understanding Jedi, Anakin would probably still be comfortable with him.  After all, it's not like Anakin and obi wan were best buddies or anything when they first met.  I mean, guys, obi wan called Anakin "another useless life form".

I'm not saying I don't like obi wan, okay, I think obi wan was amazing.  I think he was a great master, but he wasn't what Anakin needed. A father.  When Anakin was brought to the temple, he still missed his mom.  He was NINE YEARS OLD.  Shmi raised him, took care of him, and showed him the ONLY love he knew in his whole life which was surrounded by horrible, deceitful people.  Obi wan was a good brother, but he wasn't the father he needed.  Anakin needed not just an older, wiser Jedi to be his master, but a Jedi who is willing to bend the rules a bit to show Anakin the affection he needs.  Of course, Qui gon is a great candidate for that... but so is Plo.

No one can tell me that Plo doesn't have father like qualities.  Just watch the clone wars and you'll understand.  Plo isn't exactly the most orthodox Jedi out there, similar to Anakin, and he UNDERSTANDS the need for love and comfort.  Don't you think Anakin had those nights where he cried for his mother?  Plo would have been there for him and given him GOOD advice.  Not the "you must be patient" and "no attachments" bullshit.  The problem with the Jedi is that they don't understand this.  They were all taken from their families at young ages and don't know what it's like to have a mother or father.  I'm not sure how, but somehow Qui Gon and Plo understand this.

Also, how many times has Anakin listened to obi wan?  Not that much I would think.  But who does Anakin listen to?  He listens to Plo.  Unfortunately, we don't get to see those two interact much, but the little bit of shared screen time we get in Clone Wars is enough to convince me that Anakin would've been great under Plo.  First of all, Anakin RESPECTS plo.  Anakin has a lot of opinions about the masters on the council, but I have never seen or heard Anakin say one slightly demeaning thing about Plo.  Ever.  Remember on Felucia when Ahsoka got captured by Trandoshans?  Was nobody else surprised by how EASILY Plo got Anakin to return to Coruscant.  We all know how riled up Anakin gets when something happens to the people he cares about.  We all know how protective Anakin can be over Ahsoka.  If Obi wan had been on Felucia, telling Anakin they need to leave without her, Anakin would have lost his shit.  He would refuse and continue the search.  But Plo has this way of connecting with Anakin and he LISTENS.  Communication is a very important thing, people.  And Plo is very good at communicating with Anakin.

Even when they came back to Coruscant, Anakin was obviously still distressed that Ahsoka was missing.  But who comes to talk to Anakin?  Plo.  And guess what.  He doesn't give him the typical Jedi lecture.  Plo tells Anakin that if he really believes she is fearless and strong, and if Anakin trained her the best he could, she will find a way back to him.  This is way kinder and more reassuring than telling Anakin, "hey!  You're a general!  You have other things to be worried about. Forget your attachments!  That's against the code.  Just be patient, if Ahsoka is meant to come back, she will.  If not, too bad.  Trust in the force.  Peace out."

Imagine if Anakin had come to Plo in revenge of the Sith instead of Yoda.  Anakin was having nightmares about padme and he was so worried about her.  After his mother, padme was the one who showed him a life beyond the restrictions of the Jedi where he can experience love.  She was his only solace.  Now, Anakin has visions about her dying.  Can you imagine how terrified he must feel?  If Anakin had already had Plo as master, he would've known how understanding Plo is and that he could give him some GOOD advice, like how Plo talked to Anakin after Ahsoka disappeared.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure Plo wasn't on Coruscant around that time, but Anakin probably would've commed his former master or something.  I have confidence that Plo would be able to put anakins mind at ease.  Also, Plo wouldn't be afraid to bring up padme and have ACTUAL conversations with Anakin about his feelings.  They would have good COMMUNICATION. 

Obi wan did try, sometimes, to talk to Anakin.  But he always beat around the bush, he always acted like Anakin was doing something bad that needed to be stopped.  Yeah, obi wan experienced love too, but I don't think he's particularly proud of it.  How would you feel, if the person you trust, who is your master, treats your secret relationship as something that is wrong.  That's got to make a person feel insecure and more inclined to hide away.  I don't believe Plo would treat Anakin's relationship like this.  I think he would explicitly address it and tell Anakin it's okay.  That there is room for love in the life of a Jedi and he shouldn't feel bad about it.

This rant wasn't about sticking it to obi wan or anything.  I think he's one of the greatest Jedi to exist, but I just don't think he understood Anakin and what he needed.  I think Plo understood Anakin.  If Plo had been Anakin's master, Anakin may have stayed with the light...

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