laser sword club 5 (younglings)

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Yoda: a new group of younglings, we have gathered for you to train

Ahsoka: hey guys, welcome to crossiant

Obi wan: it's coruscant

Ahsoka: sorry I'm hungry

Anakin: hello everyone, it wonderful to kill you all today

Anakin: I mean chill with you all today

Anakin: damn autocorrect

Obi wan: Anakin, this is a verbal conversation

Anakin: uh sorry, my brain was lagging

Anakin: one time I tried telling padme I had a good day, but instead I said I'm gay

Ahsoka: she must've been worried for a second

Anakin: uhhh why would she be worried

Obi wan: we know you're together Anakin

Anakin: you do??

Ahsoka: it's kind of obvious

Obi wan: anyways, on with the lesson!

youngling: master skywalker, what're we going to do?

Anakin: please don't say that, unless you want to die

Obi wan: ...

Ahsoka: ...

Anakin: I mean dive!

Anakin: you know, unless you want to take diving lessons with master fisto

Ahsoka: he teaches diving?

Anakin: and swimming and surfing

Ahsoka: well I guess that makes sense since he is an aquatic life form

Anakin: nah, he just likes showing off his abs

Obi wan: you seem to pay a lot of attention to fisto's choice of attire

Anakin: no I don't. Besides, I heard he has a thing for aayla

Ahsoka: ooh, I didn't know anakin was such a gossip queen

Anakin: hehe, sometimes

Fisto: hey guys, what's going on? I just wrapped up a swimming lesson

Obi wan: wow. I see what you mean anakin

Fisto: what?

Obi wan: nothing

If you guys have any ideas for this book, let me know!  I don't bite... or do I??

Star Wars TextsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora