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Plo:  come on boys, we're going on a field trip

Wolffe:  ew

Boost:  ooh where??

Anakin:  we're going to Disneyland!!

Comet:  YAAAAY

Anakin:  except you

Comet:  awww :,(

Anakin:  gosh I'm kidding

Comet:  YAAAAY

Obi wan:  umm, Plo, Anakin?  How are we going to pay for all of their tickets?

Anakin:  oh we'll just use the Jedi mind trick on the ticket collectors

Ahsoka:  I've been practicing!

Obi wan:  you guys are horrible people

Obi wan:  I'm in

Obi wan:  Cody!  Make sure you pack my sunscreen because we're all going to Disneyland!

Cody:  pack your own sunscreen!

Obi wan:  ...

Cody:  I mean, yes, General

Kix:  that sunscreen better be SPF 30 or I'm gonna lose it

Anakin:  you could've told me that BEFORE I went to the supermarket and bought SPF 50.  Thanks a lot, kix

Fives:  it's okay, just grab a sharpie and change the five to a three on the bottle

Rex:  yes, while we're at it, I'll change your 5 tattoo into a 3 and suddenly your CT number will change to 3333 and we'll all call you Threes

Fives:  that doesn't make any sense

Rex:  exactly

Echo:  whatever just make sure you get the right sunscreen please.  Last time I went to the beach and fell asleep with my hand on my chest.  And then I got this weird tan of my handprint on my chest

Hardcase:  lol


Plo:  yeah let's hit the road


Kix:  finally I can relax

Kix:  they have doctors at Disneyland, right?

Jesse *coming off the teacup ride (it's a spinning ride)*:  oh man I think I'm gonna barf

Kix:  dammit

Obi wan:  come on everyone!  I want to take a picture of all of you in front of the castle

*cody sneaking away*

Obi wan:  Cody get your ass back here

Cody:  grrr I hate taking pictures!

Cody:  I feel like my cheeks are about to fall off!

Waxer:  same

Boil:  same

Wooley:  same

Anakin:  obi wan, give your boys a break and stop taking so many pictures

Obi wan:  it's for the memories, Anakin.  You will all regret not taking pictures a few years from now.  Just you wait

Anakin: you're the one who didn't even want to come here in the first place

Obi wan:  hush, Anakin.  Now Cody, come here before I take away your holopad


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