tech the teacher

98 3 13

No spoilers, just a scenario for whenever crosshair comes to his senses and returns to the bad batch, but everyone's salty hahahaha

Wrecker: gah, I hate tech!

Crosshair: me too

Wrecker: shut up, crosshair

Hunter: *snorts*

Tech: me giving you an F on your hand signal test should not correlate with you hating me. You should be thanking me for having an interest in your military education

Wrecker: but you gave me homework!

Tech: how else do you plan to learn the hand signals?

Wrecker: >:(

Hunter: tech's right, wrecker. I can't have you thinking my signal for split up is the same as plan 37

Wrecker: what's that

Hunter: plan 37, aka, Plan Hit the Fan

Wrecker: Plan Hit the Fan is way more fun!

Crosshair: not for me

Echo: as much as I like Plan Hit the Fan, it leaves us too exposed

Crosshair: mostly me

Echo: actually, I think we should do this plan more often!

Hunter: needless to say, wrecker, you need to listen to tech and learn the hand signals

Omega: I think tech is a great teacher!!

Echo: is it because he gives you A's on all of your tests

Crosshair: she only likes him because she's never had a real teacher

Tech: what do you know about teachers, crosshair? Were those imperial officers of yours, teachers? I can't imagine they were better than me

Wrecker: yeah!

Omega: I bet they didn't give gold stars on your homework assignments!

Wrecker: hold up, tech is giving you gold stars??

Omega: yup! I got three on my last one :D


Tech: I'm sorry, wrecker, but you only get gold stars if you do your homework

Wrecker: FINE *leaves to do his homework*


Crosshair: you should make wrecker do his homework more often

Echo: I think you should have a homework assignment on the importance of loyalty

Hunter: that sounds very educational

Tech: it will be very hard to come up with a lesson plan for crosshair on that topic

Crosshair: what are you trying to say

Echo: take a wild guess, buddy

Hunter: it means no gold stars for crosshair

Crosshair: what? I don't care about gold stars

Omega: yes you doooo

Crosshair: no I don't!

Wrecker: *comes running in* TECH I FINISHED MY HOMEWORK

Tech: let's see it then, hmmm. Uh, wrecker, pointing your finger up and moving it in a circular motion does not mean, that you are having diarrhea and need to use the refresher, it is to distinguish a rally point. Also, moving your arm behind you does not indicate that a giant bug is creeping up on us.

Crosshair: hehehe

Echo: shut up crosshair

Tech: wrecker did manage to distinguish plans 1 through 13, so I will be giving him a gold star


Omega: good job, wrecker!!

Tech: and he gets a special trip to the treasure chest

Wrecker: oh yeah!

Tech: *0pens the treasure chest*

Wrecker: I think I'll have this lollipop. Thank you tech!

Tech: no problem

Crosshair *looks in*: so this is where you've been hiding my toothpicks

Hunter: my idea, I didn't think you'd go looking for them in a box labeled treasure chest

Crosshair: but what are they doing in there *reaches to grab the box but gets zapped* OW

Tech: that is my mechanism to make sure no one unauthorized is taking from the treasure chest when they shouldnt be

Crosshair: how ingenious, so how will I get my belongings back?

Tech: *holds out sheets of paper* when you finish your assignment "how to be a better brother"

Crosshair: *snatches it*

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